1:31 PM | Saturday, November 10, 2007 | Link
Yep, this blog is dead. Only for about a week. NO BIG DEAL. But frankly speaking, I really don't have anything to blog about.

HMMM, let me recall.

A few days ago, I went to watch the 11th hour. It's COMPULSORY and I paid 2 bucks to watch it. The title of the movie sounds cool but it's actually crap. It's just about some environmental movie brainwashing us on how we have harmed the earth and how nature is connected to us and how wrong it is to think that earth is not a part of us and how we underpaid for the things that we buy at the supermarket. YA YA YA, I know that, but they could make the movie more interesting than having some professors talk and screening some stuff as a representation of what they are talking about.

The whole movie lasted for about 2 hours or 1hour and 45 minutes but I slept for the last 30 minutes. The blasting of the drums at the end woke me up (:
The popcorn which Yvon and I shared wasn't finished and this was a M.I.R.A.C.L.E. We shouldn't have bought large. It was simply HUGE. My idea. (:
I thought it tasted nice but after a while, my throat felt dry and ewww, it didn't taste nice anymore.

Then a day after that went to watch Stardust with Yvon, Teri and Sing Rue (:
Quite nice.
Yvon said the sound effects were scary.
And I thought some parts of the movie was quite funny (: Yvon thought I was crazy

Then basketball practice last Tuesday and Deepavali on thursday. SLACKING DAY. (:
The rest of the days were also slacking days. I wanted to do myself a deed by completing a compo or poem for the CAP portfolio but I didn't succeed. I read a book though (:

Tomorrow I have to meet Rene to start planning the celebration for the year 4 basketballers. DAMN, we are behind time. ): we planned to meet up for the first week of the block period but THE CELEBRATION WAS BEFORE THAT

Geez. I hate rushing through things.
Guess I have to start planning my time properly.
And I'm broke.

Gonna borrow money from my parents (:

I want to meet up with ko0n they all. Stupid Meng, haven't plan the whole thing.
It was originally my job but I passed the honourable job to her. I'm not good at planning for goodness sake.

Geez. Life really sucks.
I need to complete MY CAP.

I'm pissed
with myself

And I'm too lazy to reply to tags.
Just want to say HI and er, I just updated (:

Life really needs to change for me.
