9:08 PM | Tuesday, March 25, 2008 | Link
... ._.

Came home. kana scolded. training. kana scolded. sarcasm you called it. geez. thighs hurt like shit. ._. the ball hates me. didn't pass anything la. And yea, part of them is my fault. Ok, it always is yea? ):

Yang meh-meh went to moan about our attitude today AGAIN. He doesn't seem tired. Moaned about our SUCKY attitude towards chinese and how much we disrespected him. He claimed that he would TEAR the non-chinese papers in front of us and THROW the rubriks cube away in the DUST BIN. ya ya ya. Whatever. Even insulted our NOOB standard of Chinese.

Maths = headache.
Our pop quiz became assignment, causing us to be cuckoo. We chionged it like nobody's business and she told us she gave us the wrong pop quiz. ._. HAIIYO.
My calculator has two black strips now. Nothing in the middle. It's invisible and I'm SUPPOSED to see through it. ): Asked my dad to fix it and he went moaning that I was rich and I could go buy a new one and BLA. ):

sigh ):

Maybe I should just.. give up. or break down one day. then they will realise how tired i feel. I did try ok.

9:38 PM | Wednesday, March 19, 2008 | Link
All major projects are over. Now there's only IPO and control. And science test.

Today's Bizlab was okayy. Didn't screw it up. The boys kept bombarding the groups with questions though. The Mr Garage or something will question them so they can save it yeaa. No, you don't need to worry about the storage of the mugs. They can wrap it or throw it down the building or anything. You shouldn't be concerned yes?I wonder why there are unnecessary questions. ._.
Changed seats today. Seating beside Sing Rue(: YAY. I didn't expect this. THe back of the class is dirty with ants crawling about on the wall behind us and the floor dirty. It's hot too. I find it weird that I ain't sitting at the second row because everything suddenly seems small. I need to wear my specs now. zZz.
Ms Kheng put all four of us together. I wonder what's her motive. She doesn't seem to be that kind who would want the cliques to talk and annoy her during her lessons. She was damn pissed off today when we were 15 minutes late for her lesson. Ate our recess. Geez.

I read about 100 pages of the Mockingbird(: YAY.
It's getting more interesting luhh. But I rather sleep. Deprived.

I'm using Safari now.(: Although it isn't as fast as Mozilla, it's more pretty. So I feel happy now :D
i want to edit my friendster page because I dislike it suddenly. But there's some bug which Safari, Mozilla and Internet can't do anything about it. HOW RETARDED. So I'm stick with that. And I can't comment or anything or say harlo or thank you or whatever or anything. ):
French was okeh today. Monsier Huet was revising Subjontifs and speaking English with his weird french accent. HA. He's a nice teacher :D
At least he isn't picky when we don't do our work.

Waited for my dad for about 30 minutes. Was damn lazy to go home myself laa. Slacked at the hawker and chatted with the uncle. HAHA. He smiled at me then I smile back luhh. Then we started talking after I bought a cup of soya bean milk. HA. And I read about 30 pages of Mockingbird.

I just checked my mails. There's one damn farni one. It's quite vulgar though. HEEEHEE. But it's a good way of learning how to spell.
A bus stops and 2 Italian men get on. They sit down and engage in an animated conversation. The lady sitting next to them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of them say the
following: "Emma come first. Den I come. Den two asses come together. I come once-a-more. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come one lasta time."

" You foul-mouthed sex obsessed swine," retorted the lady indignantly. "In this country.......we don't speak aloud in public places about our sex lives........"

"Hey, coola down lady," said the man. "Who talkin' about sex? I'm a justa tellin' my frienda how to spell Mississippi'."
LMAO. Hee. You gonna read it again yea. If not you won't get it. But it fits the description. :D

Hmm. What did I want to do? OH. Chinese. Geez.
Good Friday is two days later. It wouldn't be good anyway, since I gonna mug. DAMN la, I don't get an eff-ing shit of what the teachers are talking nowadays. They seem to be moaning and blabbering non-stop. THen the class is so damn quiet with the sound of the rubriks cube and some redundant humble people giving a speech on their knowledge.


I gonna go do something constructive now. (:
I'm always saying that.

And can someone tag? My tagboard needs to be revived. Don't just come and go. LEH.

10:31 PM | Monday, March 17, 2008 | Link
new day. new term. new start?
Hee. I feel EXTREMELY LOVED today. The day started with smses booming in, wishing me happy b-daes(: The lovable feeling of being loved is loved(: see the number of LOVE words? It's lovely.
TY everybody(:
You're remembered and loved.

Was late for school today. Waited for Rae for about half an hour and ended up late for Science. ):
Assembly was sucky with weird cheers and "songs". I can't believe they SANG it out. I doubt we'll win the cheer thing this year. Plus we don't have the shade. This year, Ngee Ann having shade I suppose.
We were punished by standing for 10 minutes. I think it's abit retarded but anyway, WE STOOD and we got scolded by Ms Kheng during her LA lesson. It was more of a lecture though.

Chinese was crap. Couldn't listen a thing or concentrate. I think I need some brain-washing.
Gosh. I have PROMISED myself to do something CONSTRUCTIVE at night. Guess it's another empty day again. Only did the maths e-assignment and printed the content page for Syl. I can go bang the wall. ARGH.

I just read To kill the Mockingbird. It's quite ok la, the book is beginning to be more interesting. Few more hundreds of pages to go.
PE tomorrow. ): I don't mind the feeling of being tired but I dislike boring PE lessons where you do pumpings when you're late. Plus I always cause the class to pump for no apparent reason because I can't seem to bring the class to the right location. ):
Pump for no reason. I feel guilty yea?

Ah, today was the Class Com meeting. I think the hosting Taiwanese students idea is quite fun. Although there's loads of responsibilities. I wonder if it'll be nice. I have parental consent(:

Geez. I feel tired now. I can't believe I'm soo weak. Didn't do anything today and here I am, feeling stupidly tired.
i shall go sleep now, in case I die or something tomorrow.
Then I need a grave.
A nice white one with a computer beside it.


Oh ya. Thanks Dad. For everything(:

7:57 PM | Tuesday, March 11, 2008 | Link
Dead beat

Today's afternoon was a waste of time. YES. IT WAS A WASTE OF TIME. I can't seem to emphasize this point enough. Decided to watch the guys play again RI in Fengshan, so, we travelled all the way to Tanah Merah > Bedok, only to know that the match was cancelled because of the rain. WALAU. It's just one pathetic corner of the court. There's something called MOPS AND CLEANERS. If anything can become worse, use NEWSPAPERS.
That was what my previous jiaolian did anyway. And it did soak up the water, except for the fact that the newspaper would turn into a disgusting pack of ball. OK, GROSS.
I shall stop it.

But I was damn pissed off. Cos one great afternoon was wasted. Not that I was YEARNING to go home, but, I could have slept or watched teevee or something. At least do something constructive instead of waiting for the rain to stop.
The rain is getting more and more retarded. Almost slipped and fell like 10 times today??!!
But I didn't fall, so don't worry. (: HA. Like anyone would. Or maybe some. ><

The 87 bus ride took me about an hour and a half. Slept throughout the whole trip. Was sms-ing Meng at the start. (: ha. I saw jiahong I supposed. SHE SAID HE SAW ME. I didn't really see him. Just glanced. Yea. He said I was TALL. Like duh.
That was used to. Not now. I think I'm short and minute. ):
Used to be able to see the heads of everybody in the past. EVERYONE WAS LIKE, BELOW ME? haha. But it isn't now. IT ISN'T ):
Anyway, being average isn't that bad I suppose. Can hide when you forget to bring your tie or something. (: THAT'S WHAT I ALWAYS DO. So retarded.
But I wanna reach 170cm! ): Then I would be contented.

Got drenched in the rain today. GOSH, THE FEELING ROCKS. It was damn cooling and for once, I felt relieved. Rene got soaked too. At least I wouldn't look THAT lonely. HEE.
We walked around and everyone stared at us as if we were some kuku. They should experience the feeling. Or maybe they shouldn't. In case they get sick or something.

But I'm feeling OKAY NOW! (:
No flu or anything.

Okay, that was random but yea. I hope I didn't speak too early.

Tomorrow would be STAY-AT-HOME day for me. I would start chionging my homework. History essay and the online maths journal thing. These are the major ones. The rest pathetic little toots can be done later I suppose.
The following day would be training and class gathering. I'm still contemplating whether I should go for class gathering. I mean, CURRENTLY, I don't have the mood to go. But I wonder how the organisers will feel ):
ha, and Wei Jie will be damn disappointed. MUAHAHA. Cos if I don't go, Meng wouldn't go. MUAHAHHAHAHA.
I hope she doesn't read this anyway.

My family is celebrating my birthday tomorrow (: At some bogus place where there's nice drinks and ice cream. That's what I heard from my mum. GEEZ.
Gonna go wild-wild-wet on Sunday. Family day..... Ha. Doesn't sound interesting.

Gonna drink peach wine later (: Or is it cranberry? hee. (:
Then after this post, I gonna read to kill the mockingbird. I can't believe JIngmei and Rene finished it. Rene read it for like more than 2 times? I think she's nuts. REally. It's boring okay. I couldn't go past the first chapter, even when I was in the hyper-i-want-to-read-books mood.
I shall try to later.

10:30 PM | Wednesday, March 05, 2008 | Link
abit better?
Yea I suppose. I'm feeling slightly better except for my knee ache. ARGH crap, I think my dad knows. But nevermind as long as he continues to act-blur.
No training for me tomorrow. SHOO TO HOME and rest and stuff. GOnna catch up with my work and pack my files. Can DIE.

Today's debate was crappy. Really. I thought the debates on Channel Newsasia was more entertaining and fun. They seem to be able to go crapping for like 10 minutes, then glance at the paper then continue crapping.

Yesterday's training was tiring. I sweated as if I was drenched in the rain. Muscles went crazy went I was doing suicide. It's called ASSHOLE. Damn damn damn.
Drank bubble tea and lalala. Reached home at 8:30 -.-
Was super tired so I slept at 10:30 and ended up rushing off to school in the morning.

I feel tired seriously. IT REALLY DOES FEEL SHITTY.
When I began listing out the holiday homework today, I was appalled by all the things undone. I can't imagine myself finishing ALL OF THEM during the March Holidays. What's more, with my splendid time control and management, i bet I can complete all of them ):

Still have moodle online portfolio or something.


Grace: hee, I know that my tagboard is dead. Thanks for reviving it (: hee.
Rae: HA. That's the direct translation I suppose (:
Jingmei: HAIIYO. it's obvious la. you toot. and the sms was farni. AHHA. It made my day yea. seriously. (:

I wanna meet-up during the march Holidays. I hate the coincidence of time schedules. It's stupid and annoying. ):