11:09 AM | Monday, May 02, 2011 | Link
Wanted to move to livejournal, guess I'm back again. People are too lazy to deal with changes, that they conform or rather, stick to status quo.

It has been a pleasant weekend for me, and I don't mind having more of it :) Watched 3 Idiots and some Cantonese drama with my family, and the feeling was really surreal and the beyond description. It definitely beats cramming in a corner of the room, plugging in the earpieces and watching a show on the lappy.
So much has changed. These minute details would have long been omitted in the past, when I felt that my parents were more often that not, unwittingly infringing in my privacy and freedom of choice with the more than frequent family gatherings and blabla. Now, these moments are probably the highlights of the week, events which will make the week less monotonous and boring. Gonna have a buffet lunch/diner later with them and lalala, who can resist food!

Just listened to the radio and they said something so true. Text-messaging makes it quite hard to convey the message across as intentions may be misconstrued. True. Aint into texting these days; it's quite a drag and my texting stamina sucks. Kinda like my phone to be quiet these days

Last night in bed I was wondering how much sleep I would sacrifice to catch some drama or engage in some online chat, yet now, I would leap into any opportunity to have the extra hours of sleep.
Sleep is no longer an essential, it has become an option.