10:05 PM | Sunday, April 15, 2012 | Link
The sheer strength of the human will
Came across Fit2Fat2Fit and dang, that was my distraction for the day.The sheer strength of the human will
It may sound like a typical cliche story, but it's about a personal trainer who decided to gain weight in 6 months, and become fit again in half a year. All in the want to empathize with his clients who retort that he doesn't know how they feel, when he pushes them to go further.
I was intrigued, for many reasons. Firstly, as someone who is very self-conscious of his body, he is making a lot of sacrifices. It isn't hard to understand how much one take pride in one's body. Since I don't have a pretty face or a personality that is THAT nice or alluring, I kinda take pride in the fact that I can pull off tank-tops, without having the distracting bulging tummy that screams "hey loook at my... tummy!" when girls wear those thin semi-transparent ones.
There was this comment which I found pretty amusing. The reader thought it was one of those photoshopped images to encourage people to change their unhealthy eating habits and get fit.
Anyway, this guy is back on his fat to fit journey, and I really wonder how he looks like in June!
The strength of the human mind is really amazing. Witnessed it myself so many times this year.... tournaments, studies..
So many times I felt like just slacking around and not studying, but I would grab some food and begin my work again after resting. Though I think I sorta lost my mugging steam after the common test. Still catching up, but not running at the ideal pace. Anyway, I just hope that I will be running my own race, and not get influenced or deterred by others. It feels really shitty when you find yourself slowing down behind others :/
Just finished undercover boss, inspiring much (:
my weekend gonna end in just an hour's time, and a whole long week awaits me. Sigh, wished I would have more sleep at times!
Gonna go do some reading before plonking to lalaland.
Sleep never seemed more attractive than before.