4:09 PM | Saturday, February 24, 2007 | Link
Childhood times... not really lame.
My relatives just came and a relative brought her grandson. And it was super cute! Okehs, not cute, innocent looking. I loved his hair man. Suitable for a child, BUT NOT FOR ME. DEFINITELY. hahas, I don't wanna a round hair man. =)) I think a bowl was put onto the head and the excess hair was snipped off. Hahas. =))

Anyway, he doesn't really look cute in the pictures because he doesn't know how to LOOK CUTE. wahahas, some BIG gals do know how to man. I know a few in my school.. =((

Heh, I didn't have anything to post so I just post it bahs. My hands are itchy manz!

Some are taken with my phone and cam. Guess you know which is which. =)) 0-0


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That's all! Frankly speaking, I do smile when I see children playing. I mean the joy that they feel; we CAN'T and WON'T feel it anymore. Although I don't wanna feel it, but I guess childhood is really cool. =))

Like you have all sorts of ways to feel happy. Innocence and everything. Be delighted over a teeny weeny bit of stuff, it's really very nice. I mean, now you won't be happy over a sweet or biscuit ehs? Perhaps even a phone won't make us feel DELIGHTED. We may just manage a smile and grab the phone and BYE BYE!

See what I mean?

But anyway, I still prefer being a teenager. Hmmm, teenager...
Okehs, someone who is going to reach teenage. =)) Uh huh!

It rocks more. I have a nicer wardrobe and I'm treated more adultish.... =)) It's like nicer and you get more respect. =)) Not that I don't get any when I'm young...