9:33 PM | Tuesday, February 13, 2007 | Link

Hahas, our benevolent principal has kindly given us
a day off on 16th February 2007!!
Weee! I'm so elated and so looking forward to Friday! I plan with cheryl, Sylvia and the rest (people who are hardworking and bother to wake up instead of lying in bed all day, sleeping like hell) go to school at 7 in the morning!! Hahas, wanna have the feeling of an NCpian. It would be sooo super cool!

Then I think I gonna bring my bball there to play. =)) Because the whole new year celebration starts at 10. Hahs, then I can go and disturb the teachers. =))

Okehs, I'm bad. I don't ka jiao the teachers, I listen to their lessons. Ah, not bad ahs? I guai kia right?

Mdm Chin wants Jia Hui and I to help her with the mediaclub stuff. Well, the primary fives are real messed up huhs? Then we, the heros, come step in and save the world. WAKAKAKHHSS.

I think not. I just walk around and boss around and just well, land my butt on the seat. Hehes, just talk crap can liaos. But I try to help bahs. ANyway, I believe they can cope de lorhs. We shouldn't really look down on them anyway. Who knows, they can build miracles. =))

Hahs, I bet all of you are jealous. Ko0n was jealous when I told her this. Hahas, she didn't SAY THAT SHE WAS JEALOUS. I infered that. Hehes...