10:48 PM | Sunday, February 11, 2007 | Link
Support. That's what basketball shoes are for
Hahs, I promised your this post right? Regarding my bball shoes. It's rather lame though and the resolution of the pictures are super no good because I took it with my phone which is only 1.3 megapixels.Support. That's what basketball shoes are for
So well, you know what to expect.
So from the diagonal view, it looks like this:
And from the top,
And the side,
But worse of all, from the TOP,
I mean, it looks so BIG.
Okehs, basketball shoes should be big because if you include all the padding to "save" your ankles from being crushed it would be 1 and a half size of your original foot. =((
Big foots don't look nice. =((
Hahas. Anyway, I bought the smallest size at the Ang Mo Kio sports shopping mall. There are really a huge variety of basketball shoes. From different colours, different cuttings, different brands and different SIZEs of course.
6 and a half was the smallest and the one that could fit my foot just nicely. =)) And the 6 and a half size is male's size for goodness sake. I was asking the salesperson if there was any basketball shoes that were meant for girls but he said there wasn't.
I shrugged and I tell you what I was thinking then. I was like:
"What the hell??!! Why are the creators of the basketball shoes so biased? Can't girls play basketball too?"And what's more, girls need more support because we tend to be not so stable. Okehs, not ALL girls but it's some of them. People like ME!! Hahas, I super light so even a stronger gust of wind can blow me away. i'm just so pathetic. =((
But basketball shoes feel good. In the sense like you feel a sense of security that you won't really hurt your ankle. And with the knee support that I have, I didn't hurt my ligament!!
WEeee!! I nearly hurt it and almost heard my bones crack, but something just stopped it. I guess that's my knee guard. It kept my knees tight and the bones more stable... I seem to be talking crap though.... And well, my knee is a little swollen, just half the size than it's usual swollen one. So everything is due to the kneeguard's great job!! Hahas, bought it for about $12.80 I guess..... 0-0
It's not really cheap. But I guess that's worth it since it saved me from every practice. I tell you, I almost sprained my ligament every practice! You can imagine that. If the knee gets swollen everytime, you can imagine how BIG my ligament would be..... 0-0
Two days later would be basketball practice again! I'm looking forward to it. I mean, it's a nice feeling to be tired after basketball practice. Although yes, it is taxing on the muscles and limbs, the feeling is still great after a while. As what they say, no pain, no gain. =))
*There I go with my philosophal rants again... =))*
I just tried Audi today and I could play!! Hahas, my com's a heck mad. I signed in and played for about 45 mins and saw ko0n inside!! Weee!! But I lost every match. Hahs, got rusty and my com was lagging. My com's laggy nowadays. Super lao ya.
What's more, my fingers were sticky after doing project work. Hahas, was too excited that I didn't bother to wash my hands and my fingers took about 1 second later to move. =((
But anyway, that was super fun and I managed to do my work quicker after that relaxation. =))
That's all for now I guess.
Looking forward to everydays.......=))