10:10 PM | Wednesday, March 07, 2007 | Link
It has really been some time since I blogged. Something personal, about myself. I did not really have the idea or thing to blog about and there I was, blogging about emails and I know, this is MY BLOG, so it's really time to blog something about MYSELF. Appreciate
Nothing's really happening in my life actually. Just some projects, projects and more projects!
I'm looking forward to the class gathering. Woahs, this March holidays are rather meaningful. I get to do a whole lot of crap and won't really have the time to laze around, dazing and slowly dozing off. zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ. Wahahs.
Saturday would be basketball practice and Sunday would be the class gathering. Then I would have camps and basketall practice here and there. Wow, I feel so shiokies. =)) Hehes
So, how's the class gathering going? Seems that not many people are going there. Some because of personal reasons or simply, the parents do not allow. Hehs, this just feels so sad. If only the parents and the classmates are "entu", then we can really have a REAL CLASS GATHERING then perhaps we can enjoy the feeling of 6A once again.
Frankly speaking, I kinda miss our class lorhs. Now, my present class is super luan. Wahahas, changing the whole class com and there are really some bloody irritating misunderstandings. I just can't understand why some people are just so sensitive. BAHHHSHHS, I'm just so irritated. Siianies. And there are some stupid distractions. =((
And i'm getting very sleepy during lessons.
The LA teacher is boring man!
I miss ms Kheng! Oopsies, maybe i should say that I'm not used to the new LA teacher's way of teacher? It's just super siians. =(( Getting rather sleepy nowadays. Lalalahs, just got some minty sweets to pop into my mouth to keep my awake. You know, the kinda of WALAO, SUPER HOT!! de. Hehes, although we aren't allowed to eat during lessons, I guess the teachers would understand if they know the reason behind me doing so. =))Teachers are understanding.....
Tomorrow's Nan Chiau's _ _th school aniversary. Oh mee gosh, i can't remember the number!! Oh me gosh, fancy me being the Nan Chiau's ex-school member. Lalahas, and present alumni horhs? Nevermind, I just get some people to inform me on the tagboard and quickly edit this post before any other people read them and feel so disappointed. Heh. Feel so sad and remorseful Are they about the samEe?? because I can't go. Got basketball practice and I think not many people are going too. So that really defeats the purpose. And now, the stupid procedure is so troublesome that going back to school is not really an enjoyable thing. It really isn't.
Imagine that you going back to school is to give some excitement and surprise to somet teachers whom you really wanna make them like "Wow, you are back! Patriotic to your school horh?", but you call them down to fetch you INTO THE SCHOOL, how exciting and surprising would that be huh? May I ask?
Obviously, you would be more surprised if you suddenly pop up beside them in the stuff room right? Maybe they would be scared to death? And I would also like to see the celebration for the anniversary. Suddenly, I am looking forward to celebrations at NC. In the past, celebrations or assembly periods were just boring ones right? Everyone would be dreading to go to the hall where you will be squashed into pancakes and your butt would feel so flat suddenly when you leave the hall. OH yahs, your limbs and feet would feel numb as though a thousand of ants are savouring your legs.
Sorry for being gross.... 0-0 =P
Sigh, guess this is what they really mean like you will appreciate something only when you lose it.
But I think I better appreciate secondary school life now. Later when it's gone and I'm an old auntie, looking at teenagers going to school, at that time, I would be so envious of them and be reminiscing about secondary school. Hahas, then I will wish to become younger and younger while teenagers nowadays which to become older and older. To be more mature. Yeah, mature, that's the word.
I have to go off liaos. Homework waiting for me. -_-. Anyway, appreciate it.
Whatever the word IT is, well, think of that yourself. =))