10:13 PM | Monday, March 26, 2007 | Link
Oh shit! Flu man! At this untimely time??!!
Guess the rain in the morning did me great. Siians. NOw whenever I do some crappy stuff, within 10 seconds, I'll sneeze. And get ready...

Oops, sorry.

Anyways, let's do a poll man.

Flu or sore throat?

Hahs. I choose sore throat. The most, I don't talk lorhs. Although it would kill me lahs. But at least it won't really affect my work. except that I would feel thirsty now and then. X(
But heys, I'm feeling thirsty now man. So it doesn't really make me feel BETTER.

French test
This time, I dare not luan luan lai. Studied the conjugaison properly and heys, they turned out to test rather a lot on that! If you study that well, perhaps you can pass.
Hahs, I did not past the previous one so well, I know the feeling of failing tests, people! XD
But it just so happened that I caught the flu in my dad's car. So that's perhaps why I got flu.

Air Con + Post symptoms of flu = TERRIBLE FLU

I shouldn't really be talking a lot on my blog.

Extracted from a talk today.

Okeh, the talk today was talking about how blogs can affect our lives and how we are revealing too much stuff on the blog. And heys, perhaps I'm doing so but I don't feel bad revealing this kinda of stuff!

It's also some type of method to catch up with your pals horh? XD

And the whole talk was about some examples of misuse of blogs and how some people can become so FAMOUS after they started blogging.
Some simple examples: Xiaxue and MR Brown.

But Mr Brown's website is darn farni. The podcasts and everything..... Although his comments per posts cannot be compared to Xiaxue, his podcasts are rather entertaining. =) And well, sometimes racial.

And that whole talk eated into our time man. Gave me 15 minutes less to revise my French. XD I seem to be super nervous about this french stuff. And heys, it's upon 70 marks. How can I not BE NERVOUS??!!
Plus the last few days of relaxing was like freaking me out. I just didn't have the mood to revise so well, what's the use of forcing myself to revise??!!

That's all for now. Post more interesting stuff in the future. I really enjoyed the last email. XD The one about customer feedback. That was super FARNI lorhs.

Hope to be able to find more such emails in the future. 0-0 XD