2:55 PM | Sunday, March 25, 2007 | Link
I'm shitted!
Just realised that I didn't do my history reflection. And it just completely slipped off my mind man. And to think I audi-ed the whole day without even doing it. Damn, I feel guilty. And bloody hell, the most important thing is that I DIDN'T EVEN THOUGHT OF IT. It's not that I slacked or what so ever, but I'm completely pissed with my memory. X(I'm shitted!
There's a lot of topics man. WARNING:! This post may be long.
English VS Chinese
Hahs. I wonder how this topic came out. I think it started with me commenting about french then Grace saying that if there was a subject that she could don't learn, it would be Chinese. Then it was windz saying how she agree and how English rock. Hahs, then Meng come saying that CHINESE ROCKED??!!
But frankly speaking, I feel more at ease speaking English. And heys, english is easier to explain how you're feeling. Have you ever tried conversing in Chinese before? I tell you ahs, it's super super siians.
Conversation in English: This is common
PERSON-01:hi.Hehe. XD
PERSON-02: hellos!
PERSON-01: long time never chat le siia. How're you?
PERSON-02: okehs lahs. Although school sometimes suck. But heys, basketball rulez!
Conversation in Chinese: Prepare for the attack of small, teeny-weeny words!
PERSON-01: 你好!Ni2 hao3!The han yu pin yin is for those who can't read Chinese on the com! And hahs, have a nice time translating them. =)
PERSON-02: 嗨!Hai4!
PERSON-01: 很久没有跟你聊了。你怎么样?Hen2 jiu3 mei2 you3 gen1 ni2 liao2 le4. Ni3 zen2 me yang4?
PERSON-02: 不错啦。虽然有时候学校上课不好玩。可是,篮球永远就是那么好玩!Bu4 cuo4 la4. Sui1 ran2 you3 shi2 hou4 xue2 xiao4 shang4 ke4 bu4 hao3 wan2. Ke3 shi4, lan2 qiu2 yong2 yuan3 jiu4 shi4 na4 me hao2 wan3!
Omg man, I shivered. Hahs.
See what I mean? You can't feel the casual sense when you converse in Chinese! And heys, the words are sooooo teeny-weeny.
And heys, most subjects in Singapore is taught in English because Singapore thinks that English is more important.
But in countries like China and Taiwan, things are not the case. So well, you can't really say which language is more important. But then, to some people, Chinese gives them a feeling of home. Like if you find people who speak Chinese more often, you feel more connected and find that there is at least something in common. XD Gotch it?
Haiihs, but other than that, I just wish that Singapore can change the government system like take Chinese as a second language after leaving primary school. In that way, we just need to learn the basics of Chinese and not make it a need to further it unless you want to. That sounds perfect right? XD
Changing your blogskin
This is sort-of tutorial or whatever you call it. Actually, I think I did a tutorial on this before le. Nevermind, I'll do it again. Actually, changing the blogskin is super easy. Just copy and paste.
Hahs, screenshots time. I think I did not do screenshots for about three months le. XD
- Go to Blogskins. Diiaox right? I mean, this is the FIRST, MOST BASIC STEP. Hahs=)
You'll see something like that:
Navigate the website yourself and find a blogskin that you like. - Click on the blogskin that you like and I think you'll see a big picture of the blogskin. Click it again. Then scroll down to find something like this:
Click on Blogger Main and a note will pop up. Copy the note and paste it on your template. - Then, save changes and finish liao lorhs!
Simple right? This tutorial is actually a super lousy one. Isn't detailed at all but then, I've no time liaos.
I'm rushing my blog post man. 0-0
That's all for now. And heys, if I can finally think of what I actually wanted to blog, I'll update this blog post or create a new one perhaps. =))
If not, I gotcha go finish my history reflection liaos. Siians. X(
Oh yahs, french test tomorrow. Wish me good luck! Try not to fail it. Hehs.
And Meng, all the best! =)