10:02 PM | Wednesday, March 14, 2007 | Link
March Holi-es
Sigh. HOlidays are just so boring lorhs.

Hothouse crap
Just went to Huiwen's house to create a hothouse that doesn't really conduct a lot of heat. Frankly speaking, I do really find it a lame stuff. And we spent a whole lot of time on the styrofoam board cutting, the pasting of papers, doing things here and there. And it was tiring. Super tiring. But after that we went to play basketball so it wasn't that bad except for puddles of dirty water and arrogant guys invading the basketball courts, trying to show off their bloody freaking talents. Of course, their chops are sometimes really amazing... -_-'''

Basketball practice
What can i say about it? Fun? INteresting? Stressing? Tiring? Anyway, it's a great time to break away from stupid chunks of homework and also at the same time, keep fit.

I don't even care if the name of our basketball team is not like very pro or what, but I LOVE our team! I mean, we are so super united and the feeling of embracing is super nice. Although sometimes there are misunderstandings. =((
Muahahas, but from what I observe of my friends, their CCAs' seniors are rather distant. So with that, BASKETBALL STILL ROCKS!@! =)) I mean, with lesser players or rather, teammates, you will find some time to get closer to each other right? it's definitely different from Girl Guides or Symphonic Bands where you have few hundreds of pupils joining. =))

New haircut and new specs!!
Wee! I had a haircut and now, my ponytail is a pathetic short one. Lalalas, but it's for my comfort. I mean, during basketball practice when I bounce the ball, the STUPID PONYTAIL would get entwined round my necks and what I get? A horsetail? WAHAHAS, but a small ponytail is lighter and easier to manage. =)) Especially in the mornings, I do not need to bother much with the hair, although sometimes the short hair would like stick out??

And specs...!! Got plastic kinds yesterday. But the specs have not really come yet. It's COLOURFUL and suits me!~!! =)) Hengies that Dunman gives the students freedom of speech the most so whatever colour is alright!
Anyway, they're just specs. 0-0

New keyboard!! Wheee!!

Now, compare this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

With this:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
click on this for the url. It's too long...0-0

The soft keyboard is funkier and more useful right?

That's what my dad bought for me because my sis was complaining how it affected HER WONDERFUL DREAMS when I used the computer late at night. IT's not really bad lorhs. Just about 11:30?? P.M.

And it doesn't make sound at all!! It's soft and spongy so it just reflect back and NO SOUND IS MADE!! Sounds wonderful ehs?

One thing bad is that it's very difficult to type with it. Because it's rather shallow so sometimes when you key the letters in, the letters do not "appear". That's when you really have to type it slower and harder. But other than that, everything's PERFECT. =D

Impersonation?? Fake de lahs
Geez, Xavier has been impersonating me and I would have had posted on my tagboard if I had come to my blog these few days but I was too busy watching TV and doing my stuff. So before I waited for my blog to load as my homepage, I simply typed in the url of youtube. =D Chasing Hanakimi mahs. But now I finish the whole episode and am finding what to do or watch next. 0-0

And hmmm, impersonation SUCKS. It's as if you have no name and you just feel like using another person's name to do something. Perhaps it's just meant to spice things up but it REALLY DOESN'T. Anyway, I'm glad there's no commotion because I would definitely be PISSED OFF.

Other than that, no comment. =)) Continue to be happy people!! XD SMILE!!

Class gathering... WHOOOTTSS!!
Weee, the class gathering was DAMN FUN! Except that there was only a pathetic number of 3 boys and the rest... GALS! Girls control the world!! Lalalahs.

Anyway, although there were very little games played and most of the time was spent on chatting about Hanakimi, or was it about Wu Chun? Hahas and eating, I still enjoyed myself THOROUGHLY. =D Food and food. I thank Syl's parents for hosting such a good class gathering man.... =D

And thanks to those who wished me happy b'day!! Lalas, thanks Meng, Jas, Khoon, Zhan, Joy and Sarah! Wahahas, happy b'dae to those whose birthdays are coming or yet to come or had already came! May this year be prosperous and urms... good for you?? Anyway, I hope this coming birthday would be nice, but it's nice every year...... Gaaa, nevermind, nice for everybody and stay happy...!!

Woosh! I said what I wanted to say le! In a post! This is my March Holidays summed up and well, basketball practice tomorrow so I guess I better scram.

P.S. The audition patches slow like shit. 0-0
P.S.S. I can't find the factors of radiation since 8 and it's rather irritating. Can internet websites stopPPPPP giving us those chim stuff??
P.S.S.S. I'm enjoying myself currently. Have not revised my french but I feel like joining the Audi-world. Lost touch with it for a long time but I long to get back to Hanakimi world.. =D

Oopsies, I was supposed to scram horhs? God bless that this blog post loads and not give me some shit like "The post was not published" or "an error has occurred". If not, well, I would be shitted. =(

For safety measures, I guess I copy the whole blog post first. =D