10:37 PM | Wednesday, March 28, 2007 | Link
WOAH. French test over. Sigh of relief man. XD
But siians, projects coming up. CME and Maths projects. But it's all about art and craft so it's alright. Hehs, at least I not need to create rampage over the internet for some crappy information. 0-0

Nowadays, I'm just lazing around. Not really perked up or doing any homework man. Budden, with basketball and french, it's just nice I guess. =)

Tomorrow's the records day! Woah! I volunteered to join the sms and m&m-eating records. Hehs, I super enthusiastic horh? Anyway, it sounds fun. But after reading the RULES, I found out that.....
we had to READ THE TEXT FOR 10 SECs, and sms it out!!
Can you believe it??!! I think it's just crazy.
I thought we could like look at the text and sms. Budden, it was totally different!

Gahs, but it's just simply too late to back out. But I wonder how's the experience like... XD!!

Fill you in with the details about what happened tomorrow. Or maybe the day after tomorrow. Geez, that's the FOLLOWING DAY bahs.

I didn't really mean to post a long one today. Just tell ya about RECORDS day. Share the joy mahs. And heys, wish good luck for miii.. Hehs.

No need lahs. As long as you read this blog post before 29.03.07 before 1:45 p.m. then can le. =))

And a nice picture to share:: And it really ROCKS!

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