10:33 PM | Tuesday, March 20, 2007 | Link
Witnessed history
Today was basketball practice. And well, you'll expect the old routine. Run, pass, rest, run, pass, rest. Siians. Jiaqi injured her arm though. Just pa! And fell. And her hand was numb I guess. She had to put a cast near the wrist of her hands. She fell during the back-pedalling practice. Woah mans.
But frankly speaking, I was reminded of my bloody idiotic experience of my ligament. How I sprained it and how GREAT I'm today.

I'm extremely reminded of that bloody experience when I was trying to pass Nigel during the recess-time-playing and I just sprained it. And God, he did not even come close to me. He was just like about two feet away from me? And I just sprained it. My foot movement sucked at the start so I guess that was a lesson to me bahs. Anyway, that was LONG LONG AGO. during last year's national day celebration I guess.

But after that, I still continued to play basketball two or three days after the incident as it was not painful anymore. Plus, I went to the sinseh so I thought the whole thing was okay. Well, it WASN'T.

And I experienced repeated ones and since then, I lost hope on my bloody ligament. So now, during basketball practice, I put a knee guard on my knee and walaos, it looks like a bandage on my knee as if I injured my knee. BUt it's a guard. Not protection or wrappings to protect the knee from further injuries after injuring it. And well, it does really help. XD. I didn't hurt my ligament anymore even during times I knew I would if I didn't wear the guard. =D

So I guess during the inter-class crap, I've to wear the knee guard if I'm participating bahs.

Anyway, back to story, I just wish that Jiaqi take care of her wrist lorhs. XD I don't wanna see somebody have the same thing like me. I tell you, the darned feeling sucks.
Oh yeah, Joy too. Jiayous to your ankle!! XD Just think that it rocks then I guess it would be alright! Psycological means! =D Frankly speaking, I think psycology rocks.

Sakae Sushi
You know what? DHS has sakae sushi! Wahahs, we called the vendor to come over and sell their sushi. And the queue is soooooo loooonnnnggg. And expensive. I just tried a few and stopped. Waste of money.

But it's rather nice to have something unique in our school. =D I bet nobody has Sushi in their school horh?

Edits again
I just edited the about-me blog. Hahs, editing. Thanks to no-homework today, I did a lot of editing. And I tell you, I seemed to understand myself even better! =D Just spent only about 1 hour on it. And I don't think it's a waste of time. It's at least better than playing audition.
Audition is just for me to relax. =))

And yeah, I was editing it while waiting for the powerpoint presentation to upload. Gosh, it uploads so sll...ooo....www

I feel like changing my layout but I like this clean layout. It gives me enough space to blog and the size that it provides is just enough for me to blog pictures of size 400X300. I don't really like blogging small-sized pictures. =)
And plus, it's simple.

I don't understand why people like complicated blog layouts. And small wordings. With less space. Gosh, it just defeats the purpose.

That's all for now. Gotcha go sleep. French tomorrow. And I gonna say hello to boring lessons. 0-0