10:07 PM | Sunday, April 01, 2007 | Link
DAISO... Snowcity... Reunion Dinner... EVERYTHING!! XD
Hehs. It has been a VERRY VERYYY LONG TIME since I blogged. Or maybe not, judging from the updates of the other blogs.

Note: I blogged this much later than the day when everything happened. I just sort-of well, changed the date of the day i blogged so

everything would be much easier.=D I edited many parts of this blog post you see.... 0-0
I went to snowcity with my family because my dad had some free tickets. XD It was so damn cool and cooollllllddd... Well, the degrees was about minus seven plus so it's no wonder that it's cold lahs.
Well, frankly speaking, Snowcity is MUCH MUCH better than Genting's Snowcity. Singapore's snowcity is much better due to these

reasons. They are SIMPLE but well, the difference is there. XD
  1. The "floats" that Snowcity has is MUCH MUCH lighter than those at

    Genting's. heys, the ones at Gentings are HEAVY. THAT'S IT, heavy. So what if they wanna generate what body heat while climbing

    those staircases? It makes people feel tired and well, there are much more reasons why one would praise Singapore's snowcity. hehs.


  2. The slope at Singapore's snowcity is steeper and longer. And what does this mean? Faster speed and much more fun!

    And one thing is, the slope is STRAIGHT. YOu know, Genting's snowcity is sort-of like curvy like a road? And it's sort-of slows

    down the pace and there is some instances when people stops at certain parts. And when this kinda of stuff occurs, everybody will

    have lesser time to play.

Actually, there isn't many reasons. But I think the experiences do count. XD
But one thing good about Genting's snowcity is....
And heys, Singapore's snowcity has to improve on their sweaters. The velco of the sweaters are not even sticky so firstly, your

sweaters won't stick.
Secondly, the sweater isn't really THICK! So well, where's the warmth that you'll get?
But anyways, I had a fun time playing. And here's some pictures. I couldn't take any pictures so we had to purchase photographs

from A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER at the cost of $10 per piece and this sums it all. XD

Here's after everything and with a penguin mascot! It wasn't really cute but I LOOOVVEEDD the long flabby "wings".... =)
hahas. I look weird horhs. Hugging so tightly to the penguin. But nevermind, it was rather cuddly... 0-0 Hehes

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And some pictures that my dad bought. Taken by a PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER..... =D

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DAISO..... a $2-value shop which totally RAWKS!
After going to Snowcity, it was time to go for lunch. And heys, were we hungry! I think we went to IMM which was like rather near to the Snowcity which was at Jurong East. I'm not sure about the location because I slept during the whole journey. =D
After eating lunch at Kopitiam, my mom and I went to Daiso. And Daiso is rather similar to the $1-value shop except that the things sold there are at the price of $2. And oh yahs, DAISO is a Japanese brand shop.

Everything sold that comes from Japan and some of the words are written in Japan but well, I understood NOTHING. Heys, I learn French, not jap. =)

They sell stationaries, clothings, and some daily necessities in life. And the prices are $2, and that's it.
It's not like the $1-value shop where you have things at $5, and sometimes the prices go up and down. And now with GST, the price is not only $1 right? I think it's something like $1.05....
And most $1-value shops are small. DAISO IS BIG.

Here's some pictures to show what I mean: They are taken with my phone of only 1.3 megapixels so don't expect too much. And heys, I rather take it with my phone then use a proper camera lahs. I mean, it would look so damn weird if I used a camera right?

People would be walking past me thinking that I'm just a crazy girl who brings a camera with me all day long and heys, STARES


Here are some utensils:

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There is a huge variety of utensils man. They sell all sorts of chopsticks and you can practically find everything. XD So I guess all those aunties who always spoil all the cookery can go find stuff there. How good is it, that I don't know. XD
And some beautiful boxes that I found. Just suitable for wrapping presents. And they are just so COLOURFUL. =D

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And now the craze of bedsheets! They were so pretty so I decided to take numerous pictures of them. XD To make my blog look

pretty. Hehs. I think I took 4 pictures of them in all. Luckily, nobody was there if not they would have thought that I was crazy. =D

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Some accessories. bracelets, necklaces, everything. Although they are rather expensive lahs. But well, just snap a few pictures for


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And slippers for sleeping! OMG, they just look so comfortable and nice. I wish I had one pair but I don't. =( Aniwaes, I think it's

rather a waste of time to wear it when you enter the house and take it off. And sometimes, it's rather irritating when the shoes lay half

-dropping when you watch TV. So I guess bare-footedness still rocks. =D

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crap, crap and more crap. Just snap a few shots here and there. This store is just HUGE man.

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And after everything, I found a huge blue big pencil box that can fit my:
  • 7 blue pens
  • 2 black pens
  • 1 green pen
  • 4 markers
  • 1 purple pen
  • 1 red pen
  • 2 mechanical pencils
  • 1 normal pencil
  • 3 rulers
  • 2 erasers
  • 2 correction tapes
  • 1 correction fluid
  • 2 post-it notes
  • 1 stapler
  • stapler bullets
  • scotch tape
  • gluestick
  • a pair of scissors
  • a small minute foldable scissors.
  • My maths set Urms, it's those soft kind. NOt the HARD BOX
  • my headset for music
  • The manuals for my calculator. =D I threw the whole box away. It's so damn huge.

  • I think my list has ended. Hehs. Now you can understand how big my pencil box is bahs? Hehes. I think I gonna put a sharpener inside. =D

    Here's how it looks like: XD The picture is of very low quality because of the lousy lightings. 0-0

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    It's so nice to be able to find everything in my pencilbox. Then I wouldn't need to have so much hassle.
    And heys, there's still enough space for a scientific calculator!! =D That's when I have to go to the Science Lab for experiments.
    And heys, I LOVE YVON man. She gave me a cute nice blue badge which had a bear in front of it and it's just nice to put it on my

    pencilbox. Heys, ttyyyy angel!! =D

    Sports Day
    Sports Day is on 13/4. This is a four-schools sports meet with Chong Cheng Main High, Temasek Secondary, Dunman Secondary

    and Ngee Ann secondary. Hehs. Will be able to see Zhan, Lena and Raj I think. XD Syl is looking forward to it and me too. Except

    the part of the cheerleading stuff. I think it's crap. They say that the cheerleading competition is always won by Temasek Secondary

    so I think it would be no exception this year bahs. This is what my classmates said. Budden they say that their seniors said that

    Dunman did win the cheerleading competition last year.
    I don't know anything and I'm just gonna cheer lorhs. Don't wanna be the odd-one-out.
    And I do really hope that the class t-shirt would be ready by then. The class is dragging the whole thing man. And my name's FRIES.

    Hehs. And it costs $17!! Well, it's cheap because I heard from some other classes that theirs cost $25 so well, I shouldn't really

    complain. But it's the fact that I bought a scientific calculator with my own pocket money because mine got spoilt after I accidentally

    dropped it on the way to the science laboratory. X(
    And I'm using my own money to pay so I guess I had better scrimp and save. If not, I would use the savings from last month. =)

    Practise saving!! For a rainy day. I think it really is true. And I really am lucky that I saved last month. -Heave a sigh of relief-.... |||

    I actually wanted to post about my reunion dinner during the CHinese new year long ago but was too lazy to upload it from my

    camera, then to my computer, then to photobucket, then to my blog. But heys, I think I

    would do that NOW. XD I should have posted it long ago but since now my blog is like sort-of dead and I think I might have the

    time to upload them, I would do so.

    Reunion Dinner
    Hahas. Just post the pictures and make you drip some saliva. I forgot where the place is le. These pictures are about 2 months old. =)

    First up! We started with LOu Hei. Just mixed everything together. And well, here's numerous pictures. XD Just mixed and

    take and take and take more pictures. My relatives did not really mind so it's alright. Although the waitress looked at us as though we

    are idiots when we told her to wait for a while before serving. =) Hehs, anyway, I'm used to it le. There was one time when I was

    taking the picture of the toilets in Taiwan when one lady exclaimed that I was well... weird??!! Hehs.

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    Have a closer look..... =)
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    Everybody grabbing for a bite!!
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    And here's my sexy hand.... Hehs. Joking Joking. Don't puke. Continue reading. Just took a few scopes because it was rather sweet.

    But I loved the biscuits... =)
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    And here's what I scoped...
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    I didn't really remember the sequence so I just jumble everything up bahs. XD As long as they are pictures of food, I think it's alright.

  • And next up, is fish! Heys, it's nice okehs. You really have to admit it. It's crunchy and everything.

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    And the zhao1 pai2 cai4! Duckmeat!

    It's different from normal ones because it's tender and nice and everything. I did not really like meat in the past, but hey, you gotcha

    try this! =D

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    And here comes Abalone! I don't know whether it's real or fake lahs. But it felt good to have tasted something nice and well,


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    I did not really have any chance to take pictures lahs. Everybody just wanted to eat it. =) Oh yahs, and it's my mum who took the

    pictures. Because the waitress would sort-of listen to her instead of me. If it were me, the waitress might have given me a sulky look

    which I UTTERLY HATE.
    Mee!! This's nice. Not too oily. But since it's rather normal, I'll not describe it that much. Just glance through. XD

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    I forgot what this is.... hehs. I only know how to E.A.T.

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    And for the DESERT!
    We have.... SHOU TAO!!. I wanna live a long long life man. But I only ate one. Just enough for

    everybody. The colour of the shou tao is very nice. NOt too red like a monkey's butt. =)

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    And some red bean soup with tang yuan. XD

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    And some paste. =D

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    What is it called, I don't know. Leme consult the chinese experts bahs. =D

  • hehs, I was too lazy to blog the last few days because I just started watching Tokyo Juliet. XD
    And it isn't as nice as Hana Kimi but since i started watching it, I must hell just finish it.
    Okehs people, cya soon! Hope you have nice days ahead. =)