9:58 PM | Wednesday, April 11, 2007 | Link
DAMN.Flu and runny nose, it was like "WALAO!". And come to think of it, I really cannot imagine using up two packets of tissue paper in about 6 hours? Luckily Sing Rue gave me her packets of tissue paper so I ended up bring 5 bloody packets to school to return her some and then just keep 3 packets in case. =D Makes me look so aunty. Hahs. Budden thanks to the flu pill, I'm back to my original self!
Except that I have sore throat now.
yesterday's basketball practice was nice without running the 3.2km. YAHOO man! Thanks to the rain! And did some lay-ups with some pattern. Hahs, failed all of them. Terribly. =D But it was rather fun though. Played matches with the seniors and it was so damn farni when the balls didn't get into the net when it should have been. And jiao lian's expression "Ah yoh!" was so darn FUNNY. It was like exasperation and hopelessness. But I think we played well bahs. =D IN terms of defence. LALAHS.
And there would be no basketball practice tomorrow! Due to the training for the Sports Day stuff. But I'm still staying back to practice my shooting. Jiao Lian was niiao-ing about the way I shoot- how improper it was. And heys, I looked damn gay when I shot. It was like, using your wrist to shoot, and this would definitely result in most air balls and the darn idiotic WRONG way I shoot would definitely make the way I shoot DISGUSTING.
hahs, gotcha change the way I should and you know what? I didn't even get 3 balls in! That was so damn shameful lahs since the place was like even nearer than the freethrow line. Sharks it man. heys, am I cursing too much?? =D
Jiayous! XD
My blog's sort of dead liaos. But I guess it would be rather nice. It's like I can blog more about what I want and not being afraid of people feedbacking me or some private stuff. And heys, I hate the fact that sometimes teachers check their students' blog. =D
And recently, I'm addicted to 93.3 FM. I don't know why but the songs that they broadcast are super nice. And Stefanie Sun's Gu Ji Gu Ji is nice. Very catchy and unique. Maybe all her songs are like that. And Ni Guang rocks too. =D
Gotcha catch up with everybody man. It's like they are ranting about some weird song names that I didn't even hear before. But I prefer Chinese songs sometimes compared to English songs. =))
And these few weeks, it would be super busy man! But business can keep you awake and not daydream, like what I normally do, but who cares man? ENJOY LIFE and that's my MOTTO. Sports Day on friday and I gonna watch the Animal Farm at the La Salle-SIA college. And next week would be some barbecuing stuff and some nice stuff. And bball practice again. =D I gonna improve my lay ups man. And once again, the way I do my lay-ups IS WRONG. Kao. Jiao Lian of my primary school did not even correct me loh. Now I have so much problems le. SHIT.
Updating on my life. actually it's just nothing much, except that sometimes I'm just rather pissed off by the long queues in the canteen.