10:27 PM | Wednesday, April 04, 2007 | Link
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hahs. I have so many things to talk about man. Guess I post it instead of spamming my own tagboard. XDReply tags
~Grace: LouHei Is nice~ I think the lou hei would taste okehs as long as it isn't too sweet. Later we'll get diabetes man. XD
Wearing yellow? OMG man. Your would look so weird. I think blue or black would look much nicer and cooler. =D
Tokyo Juliet is okehs lahs. Except that the couple move too fast liaos. And they never really concentrate much on the battle with the chi xing. Hahs, anyways, people most likely watch that show because of Wu Zun or Ariel. I think Ariel looks cute. And wahs, she's a damn good actress man. Her tears can flow like river like that man. =D
~Windz: Hahs. Fahrenheit songs are unique I guess. At least there's a difference between each songs. Unlike some band songs, the songs are about the same and the only difference is the lyrics and the title of the song. At least there's a difference. XD
Hehs. And I think Fahrenheit's gonna die off in about 3 or 4 years time. The same like F4and 5566, where have they gone to?
And I think SunYanZi's unique. Her voice's very easy to identify. I like her most recent song, Ni Guang. It's so damn nice.
But no matter what, I still prefer Tanya more. =D
~Joy: Ah yahs, where got snow not fake dehuhs? Man-made snow lehs. What do you expect But I think the snow looks kinda of fake because it looks more like ice instead of snow. And I guess if it looks like ice, it lasts longer bahs. But anyway, it's a nice experience for people who have never experienced the feeling of real snow. Real snow's really cool I guess.....
~Syl: Ah yohx, why you lidat also can forget de? Jiayous and recover it bahs.
P.S. I link almost everybody that I know who has a blog.And your blog is considered updated rather often liaos horhs. You should see those who never update their blogs for about 3 months.
~Yvon: Lolx angel. My blog is super many pictures de mahs. XD PIctures rawk.
Okehs liaos. I gtg sleep liaos. And heys people, I may not update my blog for about 1 week.. Gotcha study and some dumb projects coming up. So meanwhile, enjoy yourselves.=D