10:56 PM | Thursday, April 19, 2007 | Link
Vulture + Child = Depression
Hahs. It's a very tiring day mans. Just did some bball stuff and WALAU, I SUCKED TODAY. I can't believe it man. and my shooting is getting from bad to worse. I'm not feelin confident anymore. Whatever it is, i sucked.Vulture + Child = Depression
And heys, it's super super embarrasing man. =(
I think I gonna train my shooting method. Jiao Lian said that my shooting LOOKED THE UGLIEST out of the whole team. That was so damn straightforward man. Hahas, but it's also good, at least I can change. =D
Just missed buying the movie marathon ticket man! I can't believe it. But igonna ask my senior to help me book.... weeeaaahhhhhh.=D THX SENIOR!! =)
And in a few weeks time, I'll have my level camp! Walooh, it's so nice and Syl is one of the co-ordinators for our class!! All the way man syl! Hope she makes the whole thing fun. =D
But before that, it's tests and more tests.
Currently, I think I'm struggling with science. Chemistry crap. But I like the fact that if you add something to another, there will be something else. Hehs, for example, hydrogen with oxygen you get water! haha. I couldn't think of any other examples le. Brain blockage.
And geography is sort of fast. FAST. And we saw a clip today that was like so super nice. And it's rather amazing on how Krakuta affected the world in the past. I wonder if I spelt it correctly. =D
Maths was fun. Well, at least that was what i thought. Many people would think that I'm crazy lahs. But algebra's fun in my opinion. =) Mrs Tan showed us a powerpoint slide on peace and I saw the picture that Mr Ren showed us. The one whereby a child is only lesser than 50cm away from a vulture. In the end, the vulture ate the child up and the photographer was greatly criticised when he published the photo. The refugee camp was like 1 km away from the child when he was about to be eaten and I think the photographer was also not far away although he picture was a far shot. In the end, well, the photographer was struck by his conscience and he sunk into depression before committing suicide.
Sad case but well, he shouldn't have reproached himself ehs? I think he should like do more great deeds and quit his jobs taking such idiotic photographs. I mean, they are like sooooooo heartless, photographing people's misfortunes.
It's like if you are crying and suddenly you feel a flash and when you turn up, you see somebody take a picture of you and walk away as if nothing has happened. I mean, this totally suck right? X(
Ah ha! I found the picture on the net! And ithink the vulture looks super disgusting. I mean, its eyes are like EVIL AND MENANCING and this totally is so.... PERVERTIC CUM GROSS.
sorry lahs. i mean, I shouldn't be relating this to humans behavious but it's real pervertic. The vulture is like skimming his eyes through the baby looking from which part to start first.
Taken from: www.publicradiomail.org/ct/c7111111bmgj/
Siians. I'm feeling tired man. Gonna go sleep. I gotcha do my homework next few days man. I WANNA RUSH IT ALL.