11:17 PM | Friday, May 25, 2007 | Link
Yo man! These 3 days have been duper fun! We did many many many stuff that were out of ordinary!! =)

Let me begin with Wednesday which was like 2 days ago??

At the start of the day, it was already something different le! Although it was damn hot and I was almost late, there was a surprise for every one of us!

The school had prepared an apple for each of us to promote healthy lifestyle and encourage people to eat more fruits. And well, to start off, GAVE US A FREE APPLE!
And it wasn't just spoilt apples that have a mould here and there... it was pretty apples that were very nice in colour! ROsy red!!

Some pictures to fill you in... hehe... I took them secretly and Sylvia, Cherisse and Caris gladly became my models... WAHAHAHAHAAs. And thanks for allowing me to post the pictures here man! =))

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Our pretty apples! Mine is at the left while Syl's at the right. Mine looks prettier right? I guess

so too! My rosy red apple!!~~~~ And yeah, partly because I selected the apples first so mine was nicer. My register number is 5 while her's is 4 so yeah... and yahs, Mrs Tan started from the back...I wonder why nobody took the pretty apple...^^

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My eaten apple! And the rosy rosy side....
And if you take a look at the part that was eaten.. here it is! I eat it at a faster rate than the rest siia... ^^ Cos I LOVE APPLES

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And now my models! WAHAHAs. let''s start off with Sylvia! The first shot..!~!!~~

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I just said hiiiee and she was like staring at me. And SNAP! i took it and it turned out that she was frowning at me... WAHAHAAS.
Well, here's another prettier shot because she was smiling SWEETLY. ^^ With Sing Rue's back.
She didn't want to take a picture mahs. Well, let's face the fact, SHE HATES TAKING PICTURES

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NOW CARIS AND CHERISSE! register number 1 and 2~~ The 2 pretty people...~~

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Now Shu Jun's pretty applee. It's about the same colour as my original one but I remembered that I forgot to take a picture of my apple at the start. I just munched it immediately man. So well, here's SHU JUN'S APPLE!

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But i think mine's nicer though.....

Okayy, the rather gross and ugly part. THe rubbish. THE RUBBISH
you can scroll down to the nicer picures if you want though...


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This thing is just so cool lorhs. And yeah,I paid

$22.50 for it.So it had better be good...

It's actually just a piece of clay that is rather deep with a "treasure" inside it. It's supposedly a neckace or something like that which is used by people in the past.... And we had to use the archaeological tools to sort-of take it out.

My speed of gettig that darn thing out was like few million years slower than the rest but I'm still trying....
At the start....... I got nothing!! Digging at the wrong place...... that's why...

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So at the end of the 1 hour period that we were given, this is all that I have gotten...... =(( Marcus almost got the whole necklace siia... I'm soooo jealous....

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Anyway,I was sharing the same table with Caris since she did not bring an newspapers.... and yeah, modelling agin!! ^^

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The busy archaeologist...... shoooo hardworking worhhh...

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And then it was the end of the day. But it's rather fun though.... =D

farewell party!!
We held a farewell party for mS Yap. Yeah!! And we brought tidbits and everything....Just some pictures here and there... ^^
And here's ms yap's crazy face... SCARY WOAH..

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And here's the class pic! I'm hiding behind Teri. Can't see the camera though... I think the angle was wrong but I wanna thank Yu Hua of Jubix for this anyway!!

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We were damn super hyper after the celebration so here goes crazy faces and crazy actions and nerdy looks!!

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En Zhi's I-dont-wanna-see-you look... Hahas....

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Jacob wearing Caris's specs. I wonder how he can tolerate wearing such high-degrees specs. I think he gonna go BLIND... PURE BLIND...
And now for the guy who came back from fever and well, sad that he went back to fever again today.... Yesterday he was FINE.... and CRAZY.

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Wear until so many badges... let's slowly evaluate what he's wearing... =D Starting from the top of the left hand side, going in an anti-clockwise manner...
  1. Art-club
  2. CSC--Community Service Club....-
  3. CO (Chinese Orchestra)
  4. Band
  5. Air-Rifle
  6. IT-club
  7. Class Commitee

Waseh, he damn pro lorhs. We took a bloody long time to hang the Air-Rifle badge on him because the button kept dropping.... But we still managed to pin it up anyway...!!

That's all for yesterday. Then it was basketball practice and I KNS because I kana scolded. I just can't figure it out lahs.

results and everything
Yeah, we got our results back today and I got a GPA of 3.65. But my percental score sucks. Anyway, my dad was like niiao-ing about me watching Youtube too much when I was telling him my GPA score. Siians. why can't I just enjoy myself while learning huhs? I don't think my results dropped after watching Youtube. I still concentrate in class don't I? Nevermind.... parents don't really understand.

And nice Mrs Tan bought Chocolate cakes for us!! It was yummy although I don't like the fact that we had to use TISSUE PAPER..... The cake stuck on it and I think the tissue paper got onto my mouth rather a lot of times and it was pretty annoying....

But before that, we kana scolded because we were playing. Actually, the noise was a little overboard but since it was the last day, I thought it was alright though... Although running about was like a little crazy... hehes. But I bet your had fun so it's ALRIGHT!! =D

The best thing was FRENCH DAY!
I managed to see Meng and we did 3 things related to french.
  1. Cook a french pancake
  2. Sing a french song
  3. Watch a french film
It tasted rather good after all you know... I don't regret eating it..
making the french pancake!

Let's start with the ingredients!!
  • Flour
  • Eggs
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Butter
  • Milk

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    Here are the proportions of the things you use:
    3 eggs
    1 teaspoon of salt
    1 teaspoon of sugar
    3 handfuls of flour
    half a litre of milk
    And yeah, we had to apply butter at the saucepan first so that we could flip the pwetty pancake!!

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    And begin flipping!! =D

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    And here's the widespread choices of the jam you can apply...

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    I think we had:
  • jam
  • Nutella Peanut butter
  • Peach jam
  • strawberry jam
  • Blueberry jam

  • Nice right? We made 4 pancakes in all, the first one I'm not sure what we applied it with but the second and the fourth one was with Nutella Peanut butter and the third one is peach jam!

    This is the pancake which I flipped...
    urms yeah, not so well-flipped...

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    Let's start with peach jam! I didn't take the pictures for the first 2 pancakes...

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    And you'll fold it....

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    And fold it and start tearing!!

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    now for the NUTELLA PEANUT BUTTER!
    It looks gross horh.

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    Apply it THICK
    tear it!!

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    It was fun. Definitely.
    singing the french song

    I tell you, this was silly. REALLY SILLY. We had to sing a french song that was a translation of urms I don't know the title but the chorus sounds like this:
    Put your right hand in, put your right hand out, put your right hand in and shake it all about...
    It was damn gay I tell you... But here's the pictures on the whiteboard to explain to us what each picture meant...

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    Here's the lyrics of the songs.... you'll vomit I'll swear.
    Je mets le doigt devant
    je mets le doigt derriere
    Je mets le doigt devant
    je fais de tous petits ronds
    je fais le boogie woogie
    je fais le tour de moi meme
    et je vais en avant

    je mets la main devant
    je mets la main derriere
    je mets la main devant
    je fais de tous petits ronds
    je fais le boogie woogie
    je fais le tour de moi meme
    et je vais en avant

    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la

    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la

    je mets le coude devant
    je mets le coude dreriere
    je mets le coude devant
    je fais de tous petits ronds
    je fais le boogie woogie
    je fais le tour de moi meme
    et je vais en avant

    je mets le genau devant
    je mets le genou derriere
    je mets le genou devant
    je fais de tous petits ronds
    je fais le boogie woogie
    je fais le tour de moi meme
    et je vais en avant

    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la

    je mets la langue devant
    je mets la langue derriere
    je mets la langue devant
    je fais de tous petits ronds
    je fais le boogie woogie
    je fais le tour de moi meme
    et je vais en avant

    and in English, it simply means...
    Put your right finger in
    PUt your right finger out
    put your right finger in
    and shake it all about
    you do the boogie woogie
    and you turn yourself around
    and you take one step in front!

    Put your right hand in
    put your right hand out
    put your right hand in
    and shake it all about
    you do the boogie woogie
    and you turn yourself around
    and you take one step in front!

    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la

    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la

    Put your elbow in
    put your elbow out
    put your elbow in
    and shake it all about
    you do the boogie woogie
    and you turn yourself around
    and you take one step in front!

    Put your knee in
    put your knee out
    put your knee in
    and shake it all about
    you do the boogie woogie
    and you turn youself around
    and you take one step in front!

    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la la
    la la la la la

    Put your tongue in
    put your tongue out
    put your tongue in
    and shake it all about
    you do the boogie woogie
    and you turn yourself around
    and you take one step in front!

    Gay right?? Anyway, after "dancing" and singing for about 8 times, we had french tidbits to eat!

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    They're the Petits Palmiers and the Barquettes!

    The Petits Palmiers:
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    The Barquettes:
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    Meng wanted me to post on the blog that in most of the pictures, the hand was hers... hahas.
    The daughter of the teacher was pweettyy!! Her eyes were damn beautiful man....

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    And Meng posing with her... she's brave...
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    And here's the flower she drew on the whiteboard.... shoo cute!!
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    And that's the end of the french singing session man!
    And then the french film. It was super damn funny but I think I don't know what the title is.
    Anyway, the story is about a guy who's really simple-minded, somewhat like Charlie Gordon, who becomes friends with a guy who stole 20 million from a complicated guy named Victor or was it what? I don't know. Anyway, this guy named Victor is associated with the beautiful woman who was murdered and put in a plastic bag. This beautiful woman slept with the thief who stole the money and was subsequently killed.

    This show's sort-of funny because the language that this guy speaks is damn funny. Especially when he introduces himself...
    Hi...I'm Queenstin. I'm from Mong_ _ _
    I forgot where he came from... =D Anyway it was worth watching...

    And after that while I waited for my dad, Meng's friend gave me chocos! And it was nice~@@~~ She poured so many on my hand man...

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    And I arranged it nicely...
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    Yo man! Finally posted ALL the pictures... I think I spent about 2 hours on this blog post... but nevermind... it's worth it!! =D

    Let me end this blog post with a picture of

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    Supposedly Joanne. It seems that her friends call her by Joanne. Duh. >.<>
