3:22 PM | Saturday, June 16, 2007 | Link
Malaysia trip 2007 =D
Yo, I just came back from Malaysia. Went to Seremban. Wonder if it's the correct spelling... This blog post is like 1 day late or what-so-ever. This blog is really lagging man. Dead siia. About 2 weeks not updated.

My trip to Malaysia wasn't that bad except that it was rather FATTY. Hahas, I practically eat and slept eat and slept and watch tv I guess. =D

Here's my procedure:
  1. wake up at 8 or 9
  2. eat breakfast that is like a lot and a lot of choices man. I can't choose and usually I would eat about 2 or 3 different types since I'm a greedy person... =D
  3. watching CCTV at my relative's house for about 2 or 3 or 4 hours until about 12, 1pm or 2pm lidat
  4. then it's lunchtime and again, a widespread!!! =D
  5. watching of CCTV again. Some shows are being repeatedly broadcasted but there are still some nice dramas.. =D
    I could go and swim but I was rather lazy though.... =D I think I went to basketball on one day. Well, only one day, no big deal. =D
  6. then it's dinner and I go to sleep!!

Hahas, and now I'm 6kg heavier. I'm not sure if it's the accurate one because this is based on the latest update from the weighing scale at my aunt's house. =D Hahas. But I think few basketball practices would make me slim down. ^^ I gonna train harder during the basketball practices.... DEFINITELy..

Currently, I'm watching Express Boy staring Mike He. Seems rather interesting so I watch lorhs. At least I have something to do right? The start is rather boring. Actually I considered watching KO-one but I was rather bored with the beginning and Express Boy seems more catchy since it's about an ex-convict. =D I wanna know more about this kinda of shows...... =))
I just finished watching It started with a Kiss and it rocked totally. Although the ending was rather lame. Hahas, same as Hana Kimi.... =D But the equel seems rather easy to start in this way I guess.....

I'M NOT ADDICTED TO YOUTUBE OR DRAMAS! I just wanna find something to do when I'm blogging or doing some leisure stuff like surfing the net. Finding another thing to do or multi-tasking is rather fun and I can find more fun if I multi-task. =D See? I understand myself so well... =D

I just met up with Khoon, Meng, Jas and Zhan and the gathering rocked totally. ALthough we had very little time together, (I think it was 5 hours or 6), the time was still great and I do LOVE it man! How I wish there could be more frequent gatherings like that. I really miss the times we had in primary school... =D ~~lovies~~
We played bball, monopoly, ate, Yeah, eat and eat and eat, and played audition and fooled around. Then it was time to go home. Ah yarhs, this kinda of stuff damn siians de especially if it's near to the time saying bye bye.
But I think I can meet Meng and Zhan during the 6A class gathering. Whootts!! I hope Khoon comes. Jas can't come because of crappy homework. HOMEWORK SUCKS. IT CORRUPTS THE BEAUTIFUL AND SOULFUL BRAINS OF WE PUPILS. Because of homework, all people become more and more dumb....

And I still have one more stupid chinese summary that I have to write based on the chinese story book Little Prince. I read the English version before and it was really a bore to read it again, although the time when I read the English version was like 3 years ago?? Hahas.

Heys, I'm not yong gong okay. I read it on the train ride and my mum was like asking me:
Are you reading a child's storybook?? Why does the cover look so werid??
Indeed, the cover page looked gay, but I still managed to finish reading it... =D ^^

2 days later would be the KEZO class gathering!! I would be staying overnight but I don't have a sleeping bag. Luckily my mum managed to borrow it from her friend. =D Hahas, I'm so lucky. And yeah, I ordered the 50 sticks of satay. Actually, it wasn' me who did the job but it was my dad. Tomorrow, he would bring them home and put them in the refrigerator and I would then bring them on Tuesday!! That's when I have sweaty basketball practice but my dad would fetch me there! Damn shiiok. I was wondering about my transport wise man. =D

And the day after the class gathering would be the 6A class gathering!! Yay, I'm busy. At least I can do some stuff besides slacking at home switching between television channels and lazing on the sofa and sleeping. =))

Then I would have free time on Friday and Sunday. Saturday would be basketball practice. I think I would spend the two days on packing my table and my bag. Get ready for school!! =D

I have a chinese blog now. It's rather frequently updated because the chinese text is shorter although the content is longer. YOu know, chinese words.... small and cute... =D
There are actually two purposes in creating a chinese blog...
  1. to improve my chinese
  2. typing chinese words is fun
  3. I have more things to do when I'm watching youtube after I update my english blog and checking my emails... =D
Lame horh? But nevermind larhs... =D

Yay. Finally finished typing what I wanted. My blog and tagboard is rather dead but nevermind, I just love blogging.... =D If nobody reads, at least I can pen down my feelings marhs... =D I am still wondering why I cannot change the settings to 31 posts per page or 20++ posts per page without having the posts to overlap when viewed with Internet Explorer. My blog looks perfect in Mozilla Firefox. However, my archives blog can put few million posts per page but there's still no overlapping even when viewed in Mozilla Firefox. Currently, my blog only has 8 posts per page and that's so damn pathetic. How I wish there could be some Saviour!! Hahaas... =D

Gonna go back to homework land tomorrow and surf the net more... =D