6:14 PM | Saturday, September 29, 2007 | Link
reply tags
Muahaha. Nothing to blog about. Reply tags now. (: I quite blogging like this leh. Makes my blog looks super updated but it isn't... HMPH.

Nicole ♥ haha. thanks loads but urm, I don't think it takes such a long time to read cos mostly is pictures. (:
Yvon ♥ YA YA YA la. I using (&hearts); now can. And I don't know what are the small words you typed. o.o
Caris ♥ HAH. what's the diff? YOu said it was bf. And I think your tiny words are tiny right?
Grace ♥ EHHH, you make it sound like i FORCE you to tag lidat. Don't want leh.. =((
Rae ♥ I thought you said at your blog that your gonna study history? hah,contradictory. And eh, 2-3 hours study abit only ahh. SLACKER.

hah. Yay, I managed to fill in the whole text area of the blog entry here. No scrolls though. =(
