7:31 PM | Thursday, September 06, 2007 | Link
Songs =D
GEEZ. I forgot to post this yesterday. Recently, I re-watched Save the last dance for me for some reasons which I apparently don't know. Perhaps it was a spur of a moment. But ANYWAY, I stopped watching it already because I found it boring cos I knew the BEGINNING AND ENDING AND SOME DETAILS. ): Then wanted to watch Magicians of Love but the idiotic uploader didn't upload the whole episodes. Waste of time. >.Eugene was rather pretty and I thought I read about her SOMEWHERE. So I wiki-ed her and KA-BOOM, a whole lot of information about her. She was a singer in a popular korean band, S.E.S. which is disbanded now. They were in showbiz far earlier before S.H.E.. They were described as DAMN SUPER great singers so I youtubed them and was quite addicted to one of their songs.Songs =D
Here's it. title of song: U
HEHE. I love the part where they caged the idiots. (: Nice, they deserved it. I quite liked the dance though I thought it wasn't really synchronised. (: Anyway, I LOVE EUGENE. haha.
Errrr, i DON'T know what they are singing, so how do I know? But I give them 5 stars!! (: HAHA
HAHA. 5 stars for EVERYTHING. (: The singers are rather nice.
I wonder if the object works. Anyway, here's the URL
It's super nice and I only understand the chorus which is in English: Hey dude! What you gonna do for me?
HAHA. But nevermind (:
Since I named this post SONGS, I have to post some more if not this would be such a lame post. AH YAH, IT WAS LAME IN THE FIRST PLACE. >.< Faudel: Je veux vivre
I LOVE NATURE AND SCENERY so I was quite happy to see SCENERY!! ahhhhhh..... LOVE IT. (: But I didn't quite like the streets. I mean, they should take more pictures of trees and blah, instead of HIM walking down the streets. ):
Same thing, I DON'T UNDERSTAND what he is singing but I thought his vocals were strong (:
HEHE. I thought he looked rather stupid singing and looking at the tree and shaking his head as if worshiping god. -.0 a little stupid. (: HEHE. not his fault though but nevermind. (:
I attempted to translate it and found it quite a chore. Practising my french!! (:
JE VEUX VIVRE (I want life)
Refrain: (repeat)
Je veux vivre, vivre (I want life, life)
Bahri n'hich, n'hich *don't know what this is*
Je veux vivre pour manger tous les livres (I want life, to eat all the books)
Je veux vivre pour connaître les enfants (I want life, to know all the children)
De mes petits enfants, pour atteindre 100 ans (Of my little children, to reach 100 years old)
Pour atteindre 1000 ans, pour être heureux et libre (To reach 1000 years old, to be happy and free)
Je veux vivre pour courir sur la grève (I want life, to run on strike)
Je veux vivre pour embrasser mes rêves (I want life, to embrace my dreams)
Pour embrasser mes jours pour connaître l'amour (to embrace my days, to know what love is)
Et les heures qui enivrent, je veux vivre (And hours who _______, I want life)
Refrain, x2 (repeat twice)
Je veux vivre toutes les joies de la terre (I want life, all joys of the world)
Je veux vivre et parcourir les mers (I want life and travel through the seas)
Je veux vivre pour sonner la planète (I want life to sound the planet)
Sans en laisser une miette, je veux voir toutes les villes (Without leaving a crumb of it, I want to see all the cities)
Plonger de toutes les îles que leur ciel me délivre (to plunge from all the islands where the sky delivers me)
Refrain (repeat)
Je veux vivre pour avaler le monde (I want life to swallow the world)
Je veux vivre de mondes qui frissonnent (I want life of the world which shivers)
De milliers de pays de millions de personnes (Thousands of countries of million people)
D'un milliard de récit, je veux pouvoir les suivrent (Of a billion accounts, I want to be able to follow)
Je veux vivre sans jamais m'assoupir (I want life without making life sleepy for me)
Je veux vivre sans jamais me trahir (I want life without betraying me)
Pour que chaque saison recolore mes passions (So that each season would add colour to my passions)
Pour dévorer le temps qui cesse de me poursuivre (To devour the time which ceases to let me continue)
Je veux vivre... (I want life)
Bahri n'hich... **Don't know what**
Pour ce que lorsque la mort viendra me faire, un sort (For when death comes for me to face, the fate)
Elle ne puisse jamais, jamais déraciner tout ce que j'ai planté (It can never uproot all that I had planted)
Tout ce que j'ai semé qui me fera survivre (All that I sowed which will make me survive)
Refrain, x2 (Repeat twice)
WOOOF!! hahas. I finally finished translated it using the translating tool. I LOVE BABELFISH!!
Another one, but I won't translate it because it's too complicated. This doesn't sound as nice as je veux vivre
UNIQUE. But I got quite dizzy because it kept spinning. I mean the mv's ball. If it spinned in different directions, I am quite sure I would faint on the spot. =.x
I thought the singing was quite difficult. Sort-of tongue-twisting. =)
THE LADY IS PWEETY!! haha. Biased ehh. But I quite admire the French because they do their mvs without make-up. I mean, for chinese singers, their mvs would be them having FULL MAKE-UP.
woah. Finally finished (:
I didn't know rating was so fun.