7:18 PM | Wednesday, September 05, 2007 | Link
there are still some nice people in this world
HAHs. I am feeling really bored now. Went to the asian civilisation museum TODAY AND IT SUCKED

Gah, I thought the trip was useless but uh well, since it was FREE, I don't mind. I would be more grouchy if I had to pay. >.<
But I tell you something that was SUPER nice today. I was feeling rather giddy for whatever reasons when I stopped at Dhoby Ghaut and Raffles Place and there was one super nice lady who came to ask me if I was okay when I was resting at Raffles Place. I guess my resting posture must have been shit since she could see that I was sick. Then I asked her if she had medicated oil with her and when she said she didn't, she helped me ask a lady in black. I know the colour doesn't matter but I just happened to take note. =D

All the adults were rushing to work like ants moving towards something sweet. So I guess she came back and asked if a sweet could do any help. I didn't know if it did but I just took one, and IT HELPED!! She even gave me the whole packet, afraid that I would faint halfway. Even led me to the scanner and yep, we departed there. (: LOVE HER. I found out it was rather expensive about 5 hours later. -.-

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Gee, I'm lame but nevermind. And yeah, I think Ricola sweets are nice, if only they were cheaper. IM A POOR SOUL.
When I told my mum about her, she said she was probably a teacher and I quite agreed. Can't find any kind soul, especially a WORKING IDIOT, to care.

At about 10 plus, Huiwen, Sylvia and I left Clarke Quay for COMPASS POINT! My place. My home. WAHAHAHS. We went to Kopitiam and occupied a whole table for about 30 minutes. Sylvia and I bought from the same stall, though different stuff. I bought ban mian while she bought you mian. I LOVE BAN MIAN!! Huiwen was buying her taiwan specialty. It was rather spicy and expensive. BUT IT'S NICE. (:
Then we exchanged dishes about 25 minutes later. As we were taking too much time, there were some working parents who were like staring at us. ):
What's wrong with eating slowly? It's the practice in US. They take 2 hours to eat can? WHAT'S WRONG WITH 30 MINUTES???

I don't understand adults.

Perhaps it was because it was lunchtime then. BUt who gives a damn??

After that, we went to the library. And I got a little crazy.
Syl was reading and playing Flying Finger on her phone.
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I think I'm being very stupid. >.< I wanted to do the ACC worksheet but didn't manage to succeed. And I hogged her iPod.

Blah, I'm jealous. I WANT AN IPOD. But nevermind (:

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Ricola sweet again!! (: HAHAS.
Then we played an iPod game which was rather lame.
Game rules:
2 people would listen to the iPod music quiz and one would answer the questions, WITHOUT LISTENING TO THE SONGS
It was rather funny now and then and we got too noisy until the librarian told us to lower our volume. Of course, we SCRAMMED. I don't wanna make a disgrace of myself.

We flocked to KFC and bought a packet of fries and played the game again. But after about 1 hour, we got bored. TALK ABOUT WASTE OF TIME. But it was rather funny especially when syl and huiwen began to flap their arms vigorously when it came to the song Honey, though I see no relationship. (=

Then I went to my void deck to do a page of the ACC worksheet. I did not want to go home too early. After a while, i got BORED and started taking pictures again. PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING. 360 degrees (:

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The table. Gah, my bag looks old and stupid. ): HEHE. I want a new slingbag for my b'dae!! (: But nevermind, when I feel like buying it or what-so-ever.

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MY PENCIL CASE! It shrank considerably and I swear I didn't take any pens out. (: BLACK ROCKS. (:

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THE STUPID ACC WORKSHEET. Huiwen and Syl said that there wasn't a need to do but I just felt like doing it since I was rather laggy in terms of ACC lessons since I missed quite a lot of them due to the Poetry Slam competition. Hehe, ponned lessons (: PONNING ROCKS. ESPECIALLY IF IT'S HIS LESSONS.

Then I began to take pictures of the "parks". 360 degrees. And I could see NCPS too. (:
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Supposedly GREENERY

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YEAHH!!! zoomed in. I didn't bother to move my FAT BUTT. It sticked closely to the seat like super glue. But the quality of the image sucks.

PHEW! That quite got me out of my boredom I guessed. THen napped for about 10 minutes before deciding to go home. -.0 I'm lame. And napped for about 1 and a half hour. I'm tired.

Just realised that there are still some photos sleeping in my phone. Rae wanted me to take them.

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YEPP! That's the gym when the year 4s were taking their O-levels. I still don't understand why they have to use the gym. Can't they just find somewhere more conducive? I would be distracted once I see the basketball net. Then I would imagine that something just GETS INTO THE NET.

Wooah. Gonna meet Teri blahh tomorrow to do the history project. HISTORY SUCKS.