7:46 PM | Wednesday, October 31, 2007 | Link
Haven't been updating lately. Just played ball with Sylvia, Cheryl, Yiting, LaiYiRen, GRACE and my sis (:
Quite bored of life.

And I didn't start my CAP. DAMNIT. The moment I think of it, I feel like committing suicide. Still have to go to the stupid environmental movie tomorrow. BEing FORCED TO PAY MONEY TO WATCH. WTF?

But at least can relax. (:

Went for archery recently. Haven't post the pics cos my dad haven't copied the images to the com (: SLACKER LA.

I'm really bored. I'M SIIANED
Life is so sian.
And when I think of CAP.,.....



Reply tags la. Siian
Sher-em ♥ HAHA. I think I only have about 300 posts. 300 only la. Not 500. And i think it's lesser than 300. ): YOu love over-exaggerating. HEHE
Meng ♥ it's easy la. As we keep hearing them cheer, we get to know le. And it's really easy. (:]
Cheryl ♥ izare izare izare. CRAZY.
Jingmei ♥ who ask you so vulgar. ah ya, cbox super diiiaoo de.
Yvon ♥ SORRY LA. didn't want to dao you purposely. I'm not so shitty can. Had a full-screen programme ma.

