11:50 AM | Saturday, October 13, 2007 | Link
finally blogging (:

I'm here again(:

Just a short one cos I really have no mood now. ):

Netball's ok. I'm glad we could come so far. (:
The guy's basketball is ok la. Just didn't like A class's bloddy ATTITUDE. Win then win la, everybody knows that they'll win so they do not have to pity us by playing fake basketball right? So stupid.


My knee's aching but it will be ok (:

ALL THE WAY NETBALL-IES! I wanna play a good game, not necessarily winning (:
Sylvia and I were talking on the train and we realised that this inter-class taught us a lot of things. The spirit of persevering after losing and finally having turnovers. Or at least playing our best so that we will have no regrets after losing (:

Reply tags:
Yvon ♥ SPAMMER. and My ligament ain't happy.
Weixin ♥ sorry laaaa. I lazy to edit leh. nevermind horh?
Syl ♥ HAHA. ok (:
Nicole ♥ YEPP!! relaxx. (:
Jingmei ♥ NO WAY LA. My class de Nicole. -_-'''
Cheryl ♥ YEPP. All the best to you too. (:
Meng ♥ AH NA AH NA. Just a few days only ma. And EW, I don't feel honoured. =( HAH. you no pencil le meh? And I trade HSM 2 with the pencil (: Though it's quite worth it (:

My tags are shorter and shorter. Don't mind me cos I really can't crap much now. =(

Blah. So siians now. I don't know what's happening to me.

Someone give me a life.

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