11:37 AM | Sunday, October 14, 2007 | Link
finally feeling better (:
hah. I think I love the word FINALLY. It's always FINALLY. finally. finally and FINALLY!!

hah. Crazy

I don't know why but I sort-of felt better. Sort-of. Was procrastinating yesterday and didn't do a bloody useful shit. Watched teevee for about 10 hours and the rest of the time..... ER, daydreaming? wanted to cycle or go for a swim. Or ball. =(

My mum just went overseas and my sis got a new phone. My mum even sent an email to say that everything's fine and they're feeling great. Everybody's enjoying themselves except ME. I really don't know what I should do. I was hooked on Youtube before but now i ain't, cos I have NOTHING TO DO


Sometimes i really wonder if I should just sleep for like 2 days and 2 nights. Perhaps I would feel better.
But that would make me a PIG.

And I seem to be angry over all small little stuffies. Wanted to go play audi since I had no shit to do but turned out the bloody application can't work. Everything is going against me.

Now I have NOTHING to do. NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING.NOTHING. No sports, no shows, no games, NOTHING.

The inter-class thingacious can get me quite crazy. I'm very confused now. So who do we play with? 1 class or 3? I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T CARE. I just know that I want to move my lazy ass off my bloody chair and do something constructive.

Read Syl's blog yesterday and found out many FUCK words. hah. First time I used it on my blog. (: I ain't vulgar. (: Can't believe she used those words to scold a FREAKING guy who shouldn't have time wasted on him.

Gonna do the test Cheryl tagged me. Quite a short one (:

Blog keeping Rules:
1) Each blogger must post these rules first.
2) Each blogger starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
3) Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 8 things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.
4) Don't forget to leave a comment telling them they're tagged and to read your blog.

8 random facts about myself:
- I am tall
- I love bball
- I love crapping
- an ex-NCpian
- currently a Dunmanian (Kezo)
- I MISS all my friends
- addiction to youtube (:
- love and hate myself at times

POOF. That was quite slow cos I took some time to think about the 8 random facts.
Can I don't tag anybody? Cos I'm quite lazy (:

Reply tags
Yvon ♥ OK. Sowwie loh. But you spammed more than me. -_-
Meng ♥ WALAO. Treats also must count then not call treats loh. Anyway I see see first (: Will treat you if I feel like it. But currently I don't. MUAHAHA (: Pok la.
Actually not.
Rae ♥ NOT SURE but mostly yes. (: Looking forward to a nice game (:
Jingmei ♥ THANK YOUUUUU!! Then your life how heh? Later your dar dar come kill me cos I took away his darling's life.
HAHA, ok, just joking. I know you don't like me to crap about these. Shall strike those words. (: Anyway, thanks gal =D
Cheryl ♥ DONE. (: And do we only play one match or what? Gosh, I'm feeling blur.
or maybe I always do.

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