8:46 PM | Monday, October 01, 2007 | Link
hoho (:
That word is from Meng. She loves that word. HAHA sounded weird but that word sounded ok. (:

Morning assembly was pretty with the VP announcing that the last school-day-friday would be A FREE HOLIDAY!! Simply because we maintained and even got 2 more awards. haha. so shiok. Slacking day then (:

YAY. 2 papers down. LA and malay. (:
Got quite siiao today asking the teacher questions about 2 or 3 times. I think the first time was if the evidence had to be from that bloody paragraph. Just felt blank and scared. =( TURNED OUT NOT. Made me feel stupid cos a geper is supposed to know this kind of basic things because of the many practices.


I think I got to nervous and started questioning myself regarding the questions. Kept cancelling here and there. Did not really used the correction tape but only a littttllllllleeeeeeee bit.

Malay was ok. Finished the paper 10 minutes earlier. The numbering system was siiao. I don't see how 2 numbers can be repeated twice. Confused me at the start. I thought there were 10 questions for the MCQ and that the teacher was crapping. But turned out to be 12. o.-
i just looked at the last number cos if there's any printing errors, it would have been the last few numbers.

And when the teacher say
Don't write anything
I was stoned cos I wrote the answers for the first 6 questions already!!!
Didn't want to waste correction tape so didn't do anything. And HENG, cos those questions weren't affected. (:
Malay wasn't a killer. And I loved cloze passage cos they provided one answer for me!! SOOO NICE!! (: Plus I didn't know how to do that question but the same sentence was at the end of the passage so i just had to COPY THE WORD!!

MUAHAHA. Though Sing Rue and Yvon didn't see that but they still got the answer correct anyway. (: I put the wrong one before I saw that.

LOVE THE FEELING. jiayous!! few more papers more! Tomorrow's chinese compo. BLAH. i suck at compo and I just don't like it. But there's a chinese dic to help me (:
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WOAHHOOOO!! This pic is pretty. I got quite insane, making the pic so small to the size of an avatar. (: Serene hehhh?? Quite insane but nevermind.

I think I'm getting over-hyper and over-insane because of MUGGING. Damn it.

Reply tags:
Grace ♥ HAHA. okay (:
Yvon ♥ there is something called lazy you IDIOT.
jingmei ♥ OK OK OK. No need caps laa. Got your point.

PUA PUA. I'm bored. I think I'm in love with the word PUA.
Sorry, just one of my crazy rantings again. BLAH

i hate geog
i hate history
i hate chinese
i hate urm
i hate bp
i hate waking up early in the morning
i hate school when it's all about EOYs
i hate the com when it lags like shit
i hate
i hate

can't hate any more.
I gonna extend it somehow. SOMEDAY. some time.

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