8:38 PM | Wednesday, October 17, 2007 | Link
life is monotonous
Just lost my tempered and hollered at my bro. Damn him. life is monotonous
I really don't understand what problem he has
Came back from MOE LC after watching a french movie (:
The show rocked my socks. It was hilarious yet touching. The ending was unique and good. It was just very entertaining. Better than some nude japanese anime that Yvon watched, ACCORDING TO HER.
Hah, just realised that my sentences were short. (: I'm really very bored now. Received the test papers back with the SOLE EXCEPTION OF geography. Uh, and malay if you count that as a subject which is taught for only 1 TERM. Everything's okay (:
Though I dislike the French's results. Stupid dictee took ALL OF MY 5 MARKS. Don't understand a toot of what they are talking about. They should learn how to speak slowly. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Yvon was complaining about how little I post after school when we were in the library crapping. And she commented on my profile name. It's creativity la idiot.
Then I called Ms Lim and she told me that SMART YANG LAO SHI did not collect the CHINESE EXAM PAPERS which he is SUPPOSED TO.
So we have to bring them TOMORROW.
How smart can he be man.
Just some recent updates (:
Interclass: Izare won!!! (: The match against Beltrix was super nice and entertaining. Far nicer than the match against Kezo and Lectra. HEH, I wasn't even playing well. So we ended up 4th place.
And I gonna blame Meng. Go support Cheryl. DAMNIT. I read Cheryl's tagboard kay.
Just giving myself excuses (:
But they really did play well. (: So they deserve Champs for the interclass and class league. WOOOO HOOO
Er, I think that's the only thing I can think of. Ew. Oh ya, gonna go pay my debt this friday (:
Is it or is it not?
Dunman is so nice, giving us TWO WHOLE MONTHS for resting, slacking and crapping. (:
I ♥ DUNMAN!!! (:
But I wonder if it's two months is two long for a holiday. But nevermind, I'll still be able to do SOMETHING at least.
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Yvon ♥ quite weird yea. I just realised so too (: And your HAHAHAHAS and clapping for no reason is nuts.
Jingmei ♥ AH YA, never gang up la. I deleted what I said what (: Just crapping abit loh. And kay, NOW I THINK OF YOU LE =D hehe
Huiwen ♥ YEAH I KNOW. After today when you crapped a lot about dramas when I just sat beside you. =D
Meng ♥ EW. SO EXPENSIVE. Anyway I wouldn't even buy it. =P <-- just realised this face looks quite stupid And eh, that really sounded like joy.
No interesting mails or jokes cos my mum is overseas. Damn, I miss her. ):
Life isn't just like this.
But it is.
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