10:15 PM | Friday, December 14, 2007 | Link
I am blogging ler. hehe. Life is boring so there's not really a need to update what goddamn shit of my life anyway.

Just went on a cruise and back. That was quite long ago though. About 2 weeks ago. haha. Will upload pictures when I get the pictures in the com. Ok, not me, my DAD do that for me.

Im a hopeless lazy pig.

Pigging is quite fun though. You get to slack and everything.
Talking about slacking, I just completed only 2 poems and am halfway through a story. Can't find the mood and inspiration.

I can go knock the wall few million times and still haven't found a shit. ):

I don't really want school to reopen though. I don't know why. Perhaps I like slacking. (: SLACKING ROCKS.
I am an avid fan of slacking.

And I have not read a page of To KIll a mockingbird. I can go kill myself first though, it's faster.

Thanks to those who keep visiting my blog (: SO NICE OF YOUR. And I know I am a hopeless dude who doesn't bother to keep her blog alive.

Meeting Meng tomorrow (: Going her house to EAT muahahhaa. Her house have nice biscuits (:

Bball practice starts and my back aches. I guess I'm really fat now.

My dad got an iPOD touch for free after continuing the registration for the singnet internet access but he doesn't want to give it to me. ): he doesn't even need it though. I doubt he LISTENS TO MUSIC and it's 8gb. I want it. ):
He better give it to me for Christmas. Heeee.

Just checked my yahoo mail and found some interesting stuff. Ok, only one (:
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Disgusting. Ewwwww.

Lizard. Imagine the DIRT that is on the food. EWWWWWWWWWWW

There's another mail regarding pig people. People which are wrapped in pigs costume I guess. Looks disgusting. =( Don't wanna spoil my blog.

buah bye. (: