3:01 PM | Wednesday, January 09, 2008 | Link
juniors (:
Yesterday was the basketball trial and I met a junior. Or maybe two. There was one from DSA (same as me, haha (: ) and another one from Nan Chiau. She claimed to be from primary 6A but I don't quite recall her face though. ): I think she was one of the ones who asked me questions regarding Dunman when I went to NC to boast about my school (:
Actually not la, Sylvia, Yiting, Cheryl went too. Dunmanians (: I wonder if I missed out anybody. Damn, my memory isn't that good now man. ): Lack of sleep perhaps.
But I REMEMBERED that Grace went with us. (: She didn't introduce her school though.....

And that gal was interested in joining basketball. I was pretty amazed cos most of the people did not want to join basketball. There was even a class whereby 3 people who were not interested in joining, only attempting to do a lay-up once.
Haiix, being in a sports CCA is good what, why not try?
Can be fit (:

I still remember a gal from a particular class which I forgot. We were asking her to bounce the ball and do a lay-up. Then she asked me:


It was damn hilarious but I did not laugh. Told Yvon, Singrue and Teri today and they burst into laughter.

It's quite obvious why you should bounce the ball, isn't it? Basketball is about bouncing the BALL and running with it (:
And of course, shooting.

So yesterday's basketball was slack (:
Yes, Slacking rocks(:
And I realised I'm not fit as I used to be.
Duh. I'm supposed to know that. But I wasn't fit anyway in the first place. (: I wonder why I'm so lazy nowadays. Lazy bummies (:
I hope my dad fetches me from French later. Save money and walking time. Can sleep on the way too. There wouldn't be a need to squeeze with some people whose reactions are like damn slow when I say EXCUSE ME.


Tomorrow would be the second basketball trial and slacking would start. Then, I would take the rebounds cos Rae hurt her last finger. Time for her to do admin stuff (:
I wanted to take rebounds yesterday but she didn't let me!! ): -.-
She would be able to slack some time again I guess. Her forte.

THen I would go to Bugis on Friday to buy books (: FInish my vouchers. Guess I have to tell Rene that I ain't going to ball with her as what I said yesterday. Nevermind, she still has got Amanda and Yiren.

1 more hour and I would be going off for French.
TYTYTYTYTYTYTY to my Dad for printing dossier 9 for me (:

ANd one more important thing,

Happy birthday! Love ya always (:

I wished her happy birthday today through SMS and she told me that I was the xth person to wish her happy birthday. She good luh, SO MANY PEOPLE WISH HER HAPPY B'DAE LOR. Good luh.

Hah, it was actually because Janelle told the whole world that it was her birthday (:

I wish there would be loads of people wishing me happy birthday too (:
The feeling would be nice I guess. Feeling popular and just....NICE (:
And I want my b'dae pressies! Last year's birthday present was just a pair of specs -.- From my dad. Just happened that I wanted to change my spectacles at that time and it cost aboput $80. Then he told me that it was my birthday present -.-
My sis had a pair of specs too luh. UNFAIR

I hope 2008 would be a nice one for me (:
But currently, it doesn't seem to be. ):