8:37 PM | Sunday, February 24, 2008 | Link
Damn; I need hyper-ness
Yea perhaps I really do need someone hyper. I realised I have not really updated my blog or anything when I read my archives and stuff. Perhaps I should learn to stop back-spacing the loads of things that I typed out. Perhaps I should just dump everything here. Yea, all the vulgarities and stuff. Nope, perhaps I shouldn't.

Oh damn.

Just did the L.A. project with Teri and Shujun. They came to my house yea. We spent about 4 hours and stuff, in front of the com, facing the powerpoint slide which showed two poets in black and white. GREAT.
I think so too.
We managed to come out with something somehow yeah. So at least the afternoon was not really wasted. We were super guai too, according to Teri, not really side-tracking or anything, listening to her Schezameh stories and her great experience during her Catholicism. (:
Sent them off to the traffic lights at about 7 and went home to watch teevee. Drank nice soup and ate half an otah. Watched teevee for about an hour and went to bathe. And here I am, in front of the com. Doing the reflections and stuff. French not done and Maths not done. I really wonder what I was doing yesterday. I thought I was quite busy. Really. I missed my afternoon nap.
this computer is damn glaring. I really wonder why I refused to have my afternoon naps in the past when my parents sort-of forced and coerced me to. Sigh. I must have been stupid then.

I can't even sleep earlier.

There should be a machine which allows people to sleep and work at the same time or something. Sigh.

There're so many nice shows now. Ha. this is so random. Geez, life would be more fun if there is a right number of projects. The teachers seem to overrate us. Our maths teacher decided that we weren't geniuses. LIKE FINALLY. She should know that we suck at our indices yea.

Indices is fun when you answer it correctly. When you don't, the word suck isn't even enough to describe it.
