9:11 PM | Sunday, February 17, 2008 | Link
Valentine's Day (:
I know this is really really lag, but anw, I just wish to THANK EVERYBODY for their valentine's gifts (:
I shall test my memory here heh. 4 days could just erase loads of things. And err, if I miss anybody, it ain't my fault! I'm known for a super poor memory.
It's a wonder I know how to do the rubriks cube in the first place (:

I wanna thank:
Singrue for her sexy chocos and toblerone (:
Nicole for the same sexy chocos as SIngrue except that it's BIGGER (: hee.
Teri for her 10 kisses. Choco la.
Yvon for her pretty COLOURED fwenship day paper and her kissables. HA, I keep receiving kisses (:
Shujun for her cheese rings (:
Caris for her kitkat and sweet note. and NOPE, i'm not growing any huger (:
Jia Min for her lollipop and note. Although the lollipop doesn't really taste nice. aw. It's STRAWBERRY. Coke would be nicer >.<
Amanda for her ferrero (:
Sheena for her biscuits
Ziying, Cherisse, Weixin for their rose (:
Jingmei for her sweet note and heart shape thingy. Small little wandy (:
Florence for her ice-cream stick
Ann for her sweet note. Geez, I love her handwriting.
Qianye for the sweet which she rummaged through ALL her things to just gimme one. ha.
Lichang for the chocos and lollipop.
Comint for the BIG PACK of marshmellows. My team koped all, leaving me with only 4 ):
Meng for her tobelrone choco and ferrero.

Ha, I spent Valentine with Meng. Only for about 2 hours. How dumb. But anyway, it was fun. Then I went to ball with myself, my water bottle and my phone. HOw retarded. Only for about an hour and a half. Felt exhausted. Didn't bother to change so I balled in uniform. (:

My gawd, I'm really stupid. Went to unsync the whole damn library. CRAP.

Ahh, went to Nicole's house to do Bizlab. Wasn't really doing anything actually. Just playing around here and there. Her house is neat. SUPER NEAT.

Then went to cousin's house to celebrate his birthday. Played cards. Ate pizza. Came back. And here I am. (:

Geez, and there's a mock chinese idioms test tomorrow. Retarded.
No french tomorrow though (:

And I bought a new pair of sport shoes! It's pretty and clean. The dirty old pathetic one would be shelved. Will use it when I feel like it (: That old pair is still lighter though.

I want a new bag. ARGH. My earpiece WAS spoilt and my bag IS spoilt. STupid. Got a new earpiece but my bag's sling is gone. No money to buy a new one. My mum was moaning. ...

Oh damn, I realised I overshot my estimated time. I'm supposed to be mugging.

Tomorrow's day one again i suppose. Haven't pack my bag and stuff.