7:51 PM | Saturday, April 19, 2008 | Link
weak and guilty
Yah. I am. Everyone's making me feel worse although I know it was a wrong decision. Just got a tongue lashing from my mum. SIGH. I regret it now. Whatever.weak and guilty
Today sucked. ):
Should I brood over it? My attitude is always like that, light-hearted about everything. Now I'm beginning to think otherwise. Because of what he said. Geez, I did try my best ok, it's just that they don't pay off. Then I give up.
Lack of determination, perseverance, whatever.
In short, weak.
I know I have to live up to expectations bla bla. Just give me time to cope. puh-leease.
These few weeks were hectic. The day was over before I knew it and soon, I was rushing off to pack my bag for a new day. Chiong-ed projects every night till I slept for only 4 hours. Mugged chengyu until I could die. But I still managed to study them anyway. (: Maths, Geog and Malay test next week. Malay common test, TESTING EVERYTHING THAT WE HAVE LEARNT.
I feel tired.I know there are people who are more tired than me. I'm not as strong as them, I admit, cos I wasn't in the first place. I'm amazed they didn't break down or something.
The previous week was the visit from the kang Chiao people. Wanted to get pics from kitty through msn but she didn't come online. Talk about break of promise.
The weekend was quite fun, since we went to the arcade and ice-skate. I still can't skate. HEH. I caused many people to fall, SORRY! Sherm fell till her head went super red. ):
Then we went to Victoria Concert Hall to attend the Band Concert. It was quite nice, except that the finale was long, but it was nice. I slept through a teenyy weeny 5 minutes. :D Anywhere's that's cosy is just suitable for sleeping. (:
I'm watching MVP Valentine now. I know that show was like ages ago, but I didn't know it was related to basketball. i thought it was some gay show about some love triangle blah blah. Forgot what MVP stands for. HEH.
The way they shoot is damn cool la. Then they amplify the sound of the net chop. Exaggerating but it sounds cool. (:
Off to muggg.
Yvon: HELLO (: Erm, there's not a need to revive it anyway. It's dead. Maybe I should remove the date of the tags or something, then I won't feel so depressed
Random: hello too
Jiahong: Erm your name was mentioned only once? And ohwell, there isn't a need to understand it if you don't. ._.
._. looks so nice. HEH. It's Yvon's emoticon. :D
And I realise that there are so many people with PMS nowadays. I don't know why. Guys can have PMS too. Although it's scientifically incorrect. zZz
Moody and everything, I'm glad I didn't snap off at anybody today. Or did I? Maybe I did.