12:45 PM | Sunday, May 25, 2008 | Link
Finally I blogged. :D Heh. It has been a month and 6 days. Let's make that a month and a week. Lots of things happened, perhaps I would just chunk everything in a post. Reflection time. (:
I'm watching Three Dads One Mum now on Mysoju. It's relatively nice I think. The website's good. All types of dramas there; Taiwanese, Jap, Korean and Hong Kong. Though most of the storylines are related to romance, they are entertaining. (:

Yesterday was a HOT HOT HOT day. Training was at Ulu Pandan CC, somewhere relatively near our school. The place was a horrendous place to train in, with disgusting sunlight that makes you feel sticky and everything. Sunlight in Australia
during June is much nicer. Warm and nice. Not STICKY.
The trees grow too slowly. Damn it.
And I can't believe coach is considering to go there to train even if the indoor gym is empty. Geez.

Went back to Dunman and I got my report book from the office. Sauntered round the school and listened to the Symphonic Band play two songs with Rae. Heh. Was carrying a fat ball bag which looked lumpy. Procrastinated for about an hour or so before deciding to go home. Queued up for a bloody long time for green apple green tea which was finished in less than 4 minutes. Damn the weather.
Decided to seek refuge in the library when I found out it was raining. It's relatively stupid you know, sitting in the library for nothing. Met Meng and chatted for a while. Pals/besties rock. :D

Level Camp was a week ago. It was better than expected I think. St. John island didn't seem that bad after all. At least we had dorms to sleep and the beach bed is quite comfortable. The corpses of dead insects were disgusting. They were everywhere, near the water sources, the toilets, in the toilet bowl, EVERYWHERE. I was so freaked out when I was peeing. The corpses couldn't be flushed away and they were floating... down there. I was so afraid that they would suddenly be alive and sting my butt.


Meals were ok I guess. We had puddings and a treat of an apple and a chocolate ice cream the last night. However, the vegetables were not really tasty. I ate it anyway. Hunger always make you eat like a monster and lower your standards of food. ):

Played stuff like gladiator, water rafting and amusing race.Water rafting was fun and tiring. Amusing race was lame. Gladiator was ok.
Yepp, that's all! :D
Memories are to be kept. So I probably wouldn't write it out here. No pictures. ): They didn't allow us to bring along our telephones and kept in a box and scotch taped it.

Made alot of new friends and had fun :D
I heard that we're going to shop for Level Camp next year. Sleeping in a grand hotel. :D
In Malaysia.
I don't see what you can shop in Malaysia actually.

Talking about Malaysia, I'm going to Malaysia from the 7th to the 14th. I'm so not looking forward to it. Serious. Gonna miss 5 trainings in total as I have to go to Fort Canning after the trip. Relative-visiting isn't fun at all. And I would most probably stone and listen to my music. Eat. Sleep. Watch teevee.
I wanna stay in SINGAPORE! I'm patriotic and everything. I love Singapore to bits.

EXAMS ARE OVER and holidays are coming. Tomorrow(: And once again, my homework would be left undone and stuff. I think I have to begin reading my chinese book, lest I can't write my report and stuff. ): CHinese books! I can't even read the title of the book. Geez. I should have chosen a thinner book rather than a story which has 2 volumes.

Am I happy with my school results? i guess so. though history suck.
I have not draft out my plans for the holidays. I used to write out everything and followed them quite closely. Although it always didn't turn out to be on time everytime. HEH.

I'm going off for lunch soon. YUMMY food. I'm still in the i'm-so-lucky-to-be-able-to-eat-this mood after the level camp.
Electives and IDMI would commence when school reopen. God bless that I don't break down after IDMI. A day to do a presentation and get everything done after a trip to Malacca.
I hope the hotels don't have lizards and cockroaches. 0.0 I remembered that we were so scared that 4 people attempted to squeeeeeezzzzeee in a bed in primary five! Heh.

I just changed my blog layout. I fell in love with this layout the moment I saw it. :D The links are abit hard to edit as I have to include the table code and everything. I guess I will begin shortening it again. 0.o

Some photos to share. These were made out of paper. Someone must be seriously insane.























It's just amazing what creativity leads to.