11:04 PM | Sunday, June 22, 2008 | Link
alone. dark at night
Tagged by nicole. :D Hah, thanks man. I was looking for a quiz. alone. dark at night
Are you:
1. Perfect
Nope. In fact, being perfect is too perfectly scary. Imperfects are what make someone perfect. :D
2. Tall?
Heh, I guess so, being at the height of 1.68m. :D I'm not proud of my height though. I wanna be at 1.7m and I'll be contented and happy and not moany.
3. In your pyjamas?
Nope. I haven't worn pyjamas for quite long already. Probably like 5 years. The weather's too hot for long pants...
Left handed?
NOO. How i wish to be BOTH handed.
Friend you saw?
Amanda, Rene, Weiwen and Hung Hui. After training.
Talked to on the phone?
Rene. She wanted Rae's house number.
Person you texted to?
Crystal. I was telling her about tuesday's arrangement. We gonna eat at VIVO. :D With qi. I'm looking forward to a good meal.
Was today better than yesterday?
No. Although yesterday was tiring, it was more fulfilling.
Number? 7
Colour? Sky blue and purple
Food? chocos. anything that tastes nice (Damn i sound like a rubbish bin)
Place? a basketball court
SInger? none.
Hobby? balling. blogging. stoning. everything.
Ten random facts about me:
1. I feel tired most of the time.
2. I currently have jersey number 11.
3. I hate homework.
4. I hate to feel stupid and slackish.
5. I love re-watching nice dramas.
6. I'm afraid of horror movies.
7. I have quite alot of nicknames. Some weird ones. zZz.
8. I want a laptop
9. I have long arms but short legs
10. I'm quite pervy at times.
I'm not tagging anybody. Just do if you feel like it.
It's 11. Finished history. I know I should go to bed now but I can't help thinking. What happened to me this holidays? I spent the time doing NOTHING, except basketballing. I was wondering what would become of me without basketball. I would be a useless freak who procrastinates by watching teevee and eating and sleeping. That makes a pig.
Looking at the pile of undone homework, I can't help but feel sorry for myself. Feeling sorry for my inability to control my slacking and everything. D:
Tournaments are coming and I'm still struggling with my work. I gona have french on Wednesday and I have not revised or done anything constructive. I don't think I can speak anything right except jem'appelle Christina. I wonder if that's even the right spelling.
Damn the songs that are playing in my iPod now. So freaking slow and yet, I'm lazy to change. I gonna try to be myself one day. The one that would be satisfied with herself.
I'm nervous. I wonder if I'll screw up. It's just two more days. I don't wanna screw up. I don't wanna disappoint people again.
It's alright to disappoint myself but not the rest.