10:17 PM | Sunday, June 15, 2008 | Link
Back. Sticking my ass here.
Yepp, I gonna be stuck in front of this com for like millions of hours. Geez, I MISS MY COM! Home sweet home. Home is still the best I guess. :D After spending 7 days out of home, I miss my com, my table, my chair, my sofa, my mattress, my everything. And yes, even the fridge.

Have been stoning in front of the com for the past 1 hour doing nothing. Edited the links, visited blogs and realised how much I have lost in touch with the world. D: Rae's blog was seriously hilarious. The post on the match, I laughed like a mad woman. You don't describe people like that! And her basketball terms are damn farni. I guess I laughed too loudly till my mom came in. I think she thought I was watching porn or something.
I don't watch porn OK, laughing like a mad dog means that i'm enjoying life lahh. :D

Just came back from Meng's house. Heh, pals forever! Talked as long as we could and balled for a mere pathetic 1 hour cos she wanted to go pee. -.-! Should have pee-ed long ago laa. Watched the WEI WO DU ZUN for half an hour before deciding to go home. The show is seriously bloody lame and meaningless. The only nice thing is that wang ren fu is one of the judges. He looks freaking cute in specs! OMGosh. :D
OH, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY soon Meng. I can't believe he still gives you presents. heh.

Felt super loved when teammies welcomed me back in smses. MUAHAHA. No capt around for a week. I guess they missed me. I missed them too. :D crappers and crap; everything. It did hurt not playing ball for a week. Ok, not exactly a week since I did play for a while during the last few days since my cousin had a basketball court at the back of his house. The net was low though. ):

Did I enjoy the trip? i kept asking myself this question during my trip. Maybe I did, with the food and shopping and everything, with socialising and cuties, but I guess I would enjoy myself much more back in Singapore. D:
Cuties!! (: My cousins are mostly males and another side of the family has like millions of boys who are younger than me.
THEREFORE: they'll be damn cute.
And they'll find everything about you amusing. (:

Rae smsed me on tuesday I think. Scared me like anything. She said they screwed up against new town and asked me not to gain weight. A born-slacker is suddenly so uptight. Seriously, she freaked me out ok. And I ended up eating veggies the entire day. D:
Couldn't curb the temptation of nice food the next day and decided to go back to normal. Heh. Except for lesser rice and meat. Just a litttttleeeeeeeeee bit won't hurt!
I was good and didn't eat durians though. :D Great self-control.

Gonna meet Yvon, Sing Rue and Teri for projects tomorrow. Gosh, I can go murder myself. Undone homework. Numerous. I shall do my e-assignment for maths now. :D