10:13 AM | Sunday, June 22, 2008 | Link
Got my jersey yesterday. 11. Quite a nice number although I still prefer 7. Plus 11 is a fast number but I ain't fast at all. HEH.
Screwed up yesterday. Passed flying balls that only people who have wings could receive. I think I have to calm down abit. Banged into Comint and elbowed Elizabeth. OH GAWD. AWW. Sorry! I wonder why I was so damn rough. I think I was pissed with myself.

Then I decided to stone in the basketball court to do my work because I couldn't do any at home. Helped Ms Lim do some things and stuff. Electives suck because they screw our schedules for basketball up. ELECTIVES. I'm learning to bake and have some proper dining etiquette. BAKING. HAHA. I hope my cakes don't turn out into some weird black bombs.
OH. I wouldn't be able to finish baking anyway. :D

To those who didn't make it to the team, DON"T WORRY LAHH. Hard work always pays it off. Jaiyouuu. I didn't know how to sort of console and encourage Melissa. Sigh. Cos her attendance was most of the reason why she couldn't make it. Girl, work harder next year! :D Heh and amanda, you can de lah. Remember, you are the STRONGEST in the team! I don't mind lending you my jersey for another year cos I know that one day, the jersey will be returned back to me cos you'll have yours. (:

Went home with MS Lim and she let me take her cab and I alighted at Commonwealth. Talked quite alot on the way. She's a nice and caring teacher. (:

Geez. I'm bored. Finished my e-assignment and chinese miaoxiewen. Oh, and my geog research. I have to chiong LA AND SCIENCE AND HISTORY. woah. meeting online for history.

I slept for about 12 hours today. From 10 pm yesterday to 10 am today. I feel totally refreshed but the mountain of homework is bringing me down.

Almost teared during debriefing.
Sorry for the disappointing me. SORRY. I think nobody and nothing can help me.