10:18 PM | Sunday, June 29, 2008 | Link
almost there
sleepy. have been doing nothing these two days except for sleeping, stoning and everything. geez, gonna catch up on my homework tomorrow alone :D almost there
Then probably go watch the guys' match against Junyuan with jingmei and rene at fengshan. Then take a train back to Buona Vista for french. -.- I think my life's sucky. Too much of a routine.
Missing Malacca's trip due to an unimportant basketball match. But I rather stay in Singapore. Jiamin and Caris are excited about the trip that just lasts a day and a night, something which I seriously can't understand. If it were a week or something, it would probably be more fun. :D
I shall stay in Singapore and enjoy the greenery and lesser smoke. (:
Saturday's training was ok since we could only use half of the gym due to the overwhelming number of tables and chairs occupying the other half. Many people fell sick. Nicole, weiwen, jingmei blablabla. Rachel hurt her right arm, something which she feels damn sad cos she can't dig her nose/ears properly. LOLS! I don't think that's a proper reason man!
Coach gave me a pair of basketball shoes which I thought weren't basketball shoes. They weren't the normal kind which were high and bulky and stuff. Quite nice to wear and relatively light I suppose, although I still ended up with one bullet hole on my right foot. :D Coach is nice, heh.
He refuses to tell me the price though. Although I think most likely he got it for free since he's Adidas supported.
ROAR. I wanna be supported too! That probably won't even happen in my dreams. D:
Aww, and he hurt his ankle during training. Was shuffling his feet to scare Ann I think, then POOP! he sprained his ankle. We thought he was drama-ing but it turned out to be real.
Caris, Wei Xin and Lynette came to the gym for the internet connection. They settled the survey questions so I was just there being an EXTRA. D: I'll probably fail during peer-assessment.
Bedok North's match was sucky. The ball just went plopped and disappeared out of our clutches. We won though(:
I guess every match is a progress both mentally and physically. Basketball trains one to turn into a STRONGER person. One good example is the booming muscles you get and the transformation of normal legs to hippo legs.
Hmmm.Reflection time.
I reflect after every match or training, but there's always no shit out of it. I won't stop reflecting on basketball, but I have already given up on how reflection helps. Courage and confidence. I lack both. I don't know how I gonna get them. I hope it's as easy as going into a shop and purchasing one, although I would even have difficulties doing this since I go POK POK POK easily.
I'm beginning to wonder why I'm a control. At the rate I'm playing, I'll be benched sooner or later. Maybe that's the place where I belong, DAMNIT.
I wanna go to a sea now. I wanna feel the breeze blowing across my face and yell till I lose my voice. I wanna do a lot and a lot of things and a lot of new stuff. I wanna a new knee. I wanna either grow taller so I can catch more rebounds or shrink shorter so I can dribble better.
My wants are stupid but I really want it.
Oh, and I realised that I have slanted shoulders. Oh damn. This sucks. I'll probably have shoulders which are slanted enough to be a slope.
useless commands since my body doesn't even listen. D:
One great example would be my visit to the loo three times in a row this morning. What the f- have you been doing to your body?