9:44 PM | Monday, June 30, 2008 | Link
different perspective
I wonder why I'm feeling happy now. And it's HAPPY, not HYPER. I don't feel stressed or anything. I finally see it. :Ddifferent perspective
OMGosh, I love this. This = ? I don't know.
Had been blog hopping just now and I realised that most peoples' blogs have music to the background. Is it a trend or something? O.o I find it annoying sometimes when I have to tune the volume of my speaker because all of a sudden, THE MUSIC WILL BE BLASTED. When I mean blasted, I really mean so.
Have been talking to Priscilla just now. Ngee Ann lost to Anglican by just 11 points. They trashed SAC. o.O lols. Good luck for the next 2 matches! (: Talking to ex-teammies are abit weird now, but I really wish we can all play ball one day. I wanna a gathering with ex-classmates too. DAMN, I MISS THOSE DAYS.
My dad just told me that my bro told his teacher that my mum had high blood pressure so that she would not go complain to my mother about his results. He wanted the teacher to call my dad who was more lenient. -.-
Quite a smart reason I must say. Makes the teacher think that he's damn filial or something when there's nothing wrong with my mum. CRAZY.
He screwed up his homework = my dad clear the mess up.
And when that occurs, my ears will suffer. That's when I go semi-deaf or deaf cos I'll blast the music in my earpiece.
And my earpiece is spoiling soon. D: I shall treat it with EXTRA TENDER care from now on! HEH.
I love the security guard uncle. He's damn nice and friendly. When I went to Dunman after French class to get the ball bag and stuff, I was astounded to find it being locked. I was damn freaked out. I'm NOT going to school tomorrow and I definitely wouldn't want to go back to Buona Vista and back to Bedok. Waste of time and money. Plus, i hate sitting down on the East West Line. The seats are so SMALL and LOW, not big enough for my butt.
Then I asked the security guard if he could helped me open the gym door, and that was when all the crap began.
**switches on the lights to see a piece of paper although I don't think the light made a difference**
Security Guard: You want open the gym door is it?
Me: yah. you can help me open? please?
Security Guard: oh. you call this uncle he'll help you open.
Me: **o.O**
Security Guard: but right, you must say ehh FA ge, AH MI TUO FUO can help me open gym door?
Me: HUH?
Security Guard: It's a code. say ehh FA GE, ah mi tuo fuo. If not, he will just hang up. **claps his hands together**
Me: Ah mi tuo fuo??
Security Guard: Yah. Ah Mi Tuo Fuo. ** reads out number**
LOLS! Anyway I called the guy and he helped me open the door without any ah mi tuo fuo thing, just asking him politely. :D
Had a fun time talking to this uncle. I'm glad security guards are so fun nowadays. I guess they must be super bored tending to the school for the whole day, when nobody will come to rob our school or anything.
The guys played against Junyuan today. Junyuan scored an early 2 points within 1 minute. We thought it was going to be a close match but it turned out not to be. :D Junyuan's coach is Chung Cheng Main's basketball girls' coach and Dunman Sec's basketball girls' vice-coach I think. In charge of so many things, he reminds me of the coach of Teck Ghee Primary, Kranji Primary and Chua Chu Kang Primary.
Coach was damn high today, at the end of the match. He was smiling his way throughout. Then he suddenly asked crystal if some guy at the court was her father. WEIRDO. -.-
Went home with Crystal and talked about loads of stuff on the way. Gonna meet up with her 1 hour earlier tomorrow to ball(:
I realised that she has a great passion of basketball. And she definitely has more confidence than me. ):
Met Zhenwen Gabriel and Ziyi on the way. Ziyi was damn gay before the scanning counter. He couldn't find his wallet and he dumped his bag on the floor and digged out practically everything, bending his body with his butt STICKING OUT. Plus, he's tall. So I guess it's abit obscene. dIRTYYYY
Went opposite ways and sat down between a guy and an aunty. The guy was wearing some BIG BIG SUNGLASSES and skinny jeans. Disgusting.
Saw Jingmei. :D The world is so coincidental. Dunjie thought I could fly cos he was damn amazed that I walked so fast. I think he doesn't know that there's something called bus. -.-
I haven't done anything for IDMI and I ain't feeling remorseful. This is bad. I finished my maths worksheets though! Except for Pythagoras theorem cos it sucks. D: Done Formulae after Lingyue and YuQing taught me. RGS peeps are smart.
OHH, and Spain won the EuroCup or something. I heard the torrez guy or something was good. Everything is heard from my dad/bro/sister. I'm completely a noob except that I know that Maradoona is a good dribbler, Rooney is fat but charges like a bull, Cristiano Ronaldo is a proud ass shit but is relatively good, Beckham is now a face that only appears on advertisements but his curves (as in curved ball) used to be good, Ronaldo is a fat pumpkin now, and Agu Casmir or something decided not to play for Singapore. That fatty bum bum doesn't wanna play for Singapore. No big deal. Just that I watched him play once and I think he can shield the ball quite well. :D With his butt. YEPP.
At least people have butt to shield ball. I wann also cannot. Big butts are useful sometimes except that you probably can't squeeze into skinny jeans cos the threads will come out.
le monde est beau quand vous pensez ainsi...
Remind yourself that you need it, want it and show it.