1:25 PM | Tuesday, June 10, 2008 | Link
few more days to go
It's 1 and I'm waiting for 3 o'clock to arrive. Pigged like shit this morning with bak kut teh as breakfast. I'm amazed that they eat it like 3 or 4 times a week. It was nice with rice and nice soup. :D I drank about 15 cups of tea. Cleansed off all dirt! Heh

Was eating slowly when I suddenly thought that my teammies were training. All the mood was gone. DANG. I'm eating here while they're training and running. D:
I wish I could split myself into half.

Drank red wine yesterday. The second bottle was the nicest. :D Felt free again after laughing over some silly jokes. Then we talked about some serious matters. Serious then joking, serious then joking, the switch of atmosphere was nice. (:
There's an Indian near the shop who is pathetically sad. I don't pity his plight but I pity with how he deals with his life. His shirt and shorts are full of dirt but yet he doesn't care. I heard from my uncle that he would buy the cheap kind of wine, those that are like RM 2.50 a bottle. To them, drinking wine is important. Losing their family, no food, being a lousy father and child doesn't matter. It's disgusting I tell you.
He shits at the same location, hardly can walk by himself, having to walk with the aid of a walking stick, pushing himself by holding on to the wall. He sleeps and drinks at the entrance of a stall. I can't imagine how the people there can do business. I heard that he shits unconsciously so it means that the entrance stink. Awww.

Gahh. I'm glad I ate my lunch already. Gonna move to my another aunt's house later. They have a basketball court there. :D And I've progressed to about page 120 of my chinese book! Concentrating more and more.... :D

Theme changed to a simpler one. (: I'm finding something to doooo. heh. going off now. byebye (: can't wait to go back to singapore.