8:48 PM | Thursday, June 19, 2008 | Link
high and hyper
I was damn hyper today during lunch, or rather, after training. I wonder why. HEH. :D Maybe it's to cover up my tiredness. o.o I don't know. I think my body's weird. high and hyper
Woke up at 3:30 this morning after jerking out of sleep and unable to go back. Tossed and turned before deciding to really wake up. Ate instant noodles (AGAIN) for breakfast and did some maths questions (3 as a matter of fact. RAWR) while waiting. Finished eating and watched teevee. Felt sleepy so slept on the sofa for AWHILE. It was a wrong decision apparently. Cos I saw some blurry blurry lights after sleeping quite comfortably. So I thought my mom woke up and was preparing to go work. That should be around 5:30. I was thinking: wow. one hour is so freaking longggg.
Then i told my dad: 5:30 le ar. Wake me up at 5:45 kay. I want to stone.
My dad was like: 5:30 your head ah. it's 6:30
I tell you, I practically JUMPED OUT OF THE SOFA. 6:30. what the. I usually LEAVE THE HOUSE at this time. Called jingmei and packed my stuff.
Didn't really rush cos somehow there was time. :D heh.
Saw A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE GYM then I thought they were about to go in the gym. Then I was like: HENG, I THOUGHT I WAS LATE damn loudly. The juniors laughed. -.- I didn't know why till I saw coach. heh, we were locked out of the gym. :D
Jingmei took a damn long time to change to some ugly yellow socks with some cartoon thing thing on it. Then coach took his board and talked and talked. I still prefer the old skittles one. The new magnets are too flat. Not nice.
Training was ok. Wei Wen and I slacked. Point guards are fun cos you train with centers and THEY ARE training. Just that you pass overhead balls. :D But I think my waist somehow got hurt. It hurts now when you slap your hand on it.
Oh, and my thighs hurt. D: I hate muscle aches! Although it means that you have exercised. heh. When I just sit down, I feel a pricking pain. But after awhile, it's gone. :D
I was drumming my thighs after every 15 laps. Went numb at a point of time. Sorry coach, just can't run.
Was damn tired when playing match that I walked and watched the "fashion show" in front when Jingmei was having a layup.
Oh, and sorry Hung Hui for pulling down your specs. D: I hope it doesn't get slanted somehow. I have some problem with specs I think. Slammed the ball right into Rae's face during the friendly yesterday. Don't know what's my problem. Then in Malaysia when I was playing ball, threw the ball right into 3 peoples' heads. twice at the same person. zZz.
Went with Rae and Jingmei to Tampines to collect our training tee. :D It looked fabulous. I love the front design. And it's black. Favourite colour.
Crapped alot on the way. Teammies rule.
Woah. I didn't realised that I typed so much out. And much on training. Geez, I guess I'm really weird today.
And I finally realised how much homework is undone after looking at my homework list. I'm really MUGGING now.