9:43 PM | Tuesday, June 24, 2008 | Link
a load off my mind
Yepp. It was a good beginning for all of us, so a good ending would be great. :D
Some played great, some below expectations and bla. I was sucky as usual. Sigh. Toughen up damnit!

went with Jingmei to Marine Parade CC. I wonder why I wanted to go. heh. Just wanted to dribble and shoot. When we saw the CC, we were like "WASEH SO BIGG".
I was thinking "what a sexy big place".
Heh. Pervy.

Took quite a LONNGGG time to find the basketball court. Jingmei almost kissed a guy when she went too close to the lift doors. LOLS. Ok la, not close enough but the guy was shocked. zZz. That was awkward.
The basketball court LOOKED BIG, although it of the same size. Climbed stairs UPPP to some BIGG empty place. I was damn happy and ran around like some crazy mad woman.
Felt free and cooling.

Dribbled the ball for awhile then was called down by coach. Well, the usual stuff. I think I need to go to the bravery shop. heh, rachel needs the bravery and confidence shop. :D

Reached home relatively late. Atmosphere isn't nice right now.