11:20 AM | Wednesday, June 18, 2008 | Link
another 20 more minutes so I shall spend my time on quizzes. :DQuizzes
1) Where'd you get the shirt you're wearing?
School? Pe tee is from school.
2) Who do you currently like?
Everybody. except some. hah
3) Does anyone like you?
People I like probably likes me, unless I'm some extra kia.
4) Sunrise or sunset?
Both are pretty. Sunrise marks the start of the day. Sunset marks the end of the day. Start or end, you must have both. :D
5) What time did you go to bed last night?
6. Time you woke up?
9.30am. stonage.
7. What DVD is in your DVD player?
8. Where's your honeymoon going to be?
Paris, France. That place is sexy.
9. Last thing that made you mad?
my parents not allowing me to stay alone. I quarrelled. That was quite long ago though.
10. Are you cocky?
yea, sometimes
11. Can you speak French?
If stammering means speaking french, then probably yes.
12. Have you been to Mexico?
Nope. I heard you see loads of cowboys there.
13. Do you make your bed daily?
Yah. Nobody wants to help me so I have to help myself.
14. Your favourite movie?
Difficult to compare. As in, the movies I watched are difficult to compare so no preference.
15. Your favourite TV show?
16. Single or taken?
17. Do you own slippers?
haha, what a dumb question. yes.
18. Is there a TV in my bedroom?
No. D: I want one but apparently my room is too small.
19. How many piercings do you have?
None. I want 4.
20. What do you think of Tom Cruise?
a normal person?
You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more or no less. it's harder than you think...
1. Where is your cell phone? In front of me
2. your boyfriend/girlfriend? none no don't have
3. Your hair? Shoulder length
4. Where is your father? out at work
5. Your favourite thing to do? whatever I like
6. Your dream last night? can't remember
7. Your favourite drink? Anything that taste nice
8. Your dream car? a fast one.
9. THe room you're in? My brother's room
10. Your fears? Losing myself one day
11. Who did you hang out with last night? The computer here.
12. What you're not good at? Concentrating and persevering
13. Muffin? erm. it's just normal
14. One of your wish list items: a pretty laptop
15. Where did you grow up? Small little singapore
16. The last thing you did? Typed the symbol ?
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