8:20 PM | Wednesday, June 25, 2008 | Link
shitty day
today started badly with a quarrel. i hate quarrels but i'm always landing into one. Worse still, it was my mum.
Got out of the house earlier than before, probably about 10 mins, which explained why I reached school super early.

I know I suck. Imperfections. Imperfections wouldn't be used to describe somebody unless he's not that perfect. D: I realised that probably I was wrong. Or maybe I AM WRONG. But it always takes two hands to clap.

I don't know, there's seriously something wrong with me. I can't figure out what.
Today's talk at the CEPP was quite ok. Was dragged by REne, so I ended up being somebody from Enive. lols. I think her class is quite nice. heh.

Slept almost throughout the talk by a non-officer. He's funny I think, but I still wonder why I sleep. I think it's the powerpoint slides. The moment I saw the powerpoint slides with ALL WORDS, i was screwed. Slept away like some pig.
Geez, i know it's rude and stuff, but sorry lah! o.o

French was effing screwed. mugging like 3 hours before the test seemed to help a litttllleee bit. I wonder what caused me to continue hanging in there when I should just break down and die and give up or something.

Just had a sudden thought. What if I suddenly have a BIGG house with a BIGG basketball court and a BIGG swimming pool? Heh. That's totally random but that would be so damn cool. Then I can do whatever I want and wouldn't be stoning in front of the com if I'm damn bored. I can even go ball in the middle of the night, say 3 am, and wear myself out before going to school. :D I LOVE THE THOUGHT OF IT.

D: Tomorrow gonna be the important match. Just when I know I shouldn't be screwing it up one more time again, my knee feels like shit. ONE FAT ASS STONE. D:
Dining etiquette tomorrow. I hope it's fun. >.< Alone in Yishun, gonna take a taxi ALL BY MYSELF to bedok. ):

you don't seem to stop regretting. you make wrong decisions almost all your life. it's like WTH?