10:51 AM | Wednesday, June 18, 2008 | Link
stone. rock. mountain
Stoned in bed for about an hour before deciding to drag myself out for breakfast. Decided to have korean instant noodles. It was nice and tasty. :D That's my brunch. stone. rock. mountain
Yesterday's field trip was ok. :D visited places and stuff. I think the Changi's museum was the best, although the photos of the POWs being tortured were disgusting. I admire their bravery and perseverance. Serious, I would have broken down and committed suicide.
Cleared my mails. I think the coolest-parents group thing is spamming my inbox. Although the mails have some content, I don't bother reading it. I don't know why, but I like short mails. No long mails. No inspirational mails. Even if so, put loads of enters and spaces. :D
2/3 of the mails were from weird weird people who told me I won money and stuff. zZz. If only being a millionaire would be so easy.
Gonna meet Jingmei half an hour later. :D That stupid girl has eaten too much and is down with sore throat which is so bad that she can hardly eat. Roar.
I gonna run and run today. I always give up and fall below expectations. Roar. Christina Ho, you better run today. There's so many things which you have failed to do.
Geez, sorry to those who were disappointed. >( I promise i promise to do better.
Finally, a completed homework. Miaoxiewen was done quickly partly because of Qi. I told her I would let her see mine by today so that she can train. Ha, thanks Qi! Somehow this kinda of pressure helps you do your work faster. (:
But your promises always seem to be broken. Are your promises that worthless?