10:57 AM | Wednesday, June 04, 2008 | Link
If only there was a picture
Today's my last training before I go for my BRILLIANT 12 DAYS BREAK. I can't believe my mum just niiao-ed about me not packing. WHAT THE HELL??!! I don't want to go there so I should pack yea? And I'm so enthusiastic about going there when life here is so much better.If only there was a picture
Why can't I stay at home alone? Cos I will burn the house down? or drown in the bathroom? or fall out of the building? or die in an earthquake in singapore?
Couldn't suck worse today during training. ): Kept having stomach cramps in and out today. Oh dang. It's coming again. Stomach is cramping cramping cramping! ):
Nice jingmei has just scanned me the geog rubrics. ok that's off.
Stoned around in school after training and watched the guys' match. Seriously, I thought they played FABULOUS. Coach and Mr Low weren't happy apparently. Or was it just one of them. o.O
Had lunch with Rene, Jingmei, Qianye and Rae. Lunch cum dinner to be exact since it was about 4 plus. Talked about loads of stuff and ate like a pig.
Groupings for C-Div are out. Against Dunman Sec, Tampiness and Bedok North. Yepp that's it. :D We can do it, lalala. Missing 4 out of 5 friendlies. I'm really afraid of dragging the rest down.
Met up with gang recently. Didn't play much, just with water. Pictures koped from Meng. Fooled me to go to Macs>KFC>Cold Storage. Then lagged around with an ice-cream before deciding to head for Vivocity. Wanted to watch a movie but decided not to.
First stop: Candy Empire. The things there are eff-ing expensive. Serious, just 120 lollipops cost about $60. Lick lick lick me like a lollipop. lick lick lick me like a lollipop. Just one joke that me and Jingmei share. heh. LOLLIPOP

Jas and Zhan.
Then off to buy some snacks at Giant before going to some water place. :D Meeting up is so fun and nice



Meng. Heh.
Oh dang. I forgot to kope Khoon's one. Nevermind, she hid her face ANYWAY.
Then we decided to dry at some stairs and began talking about everything under the sun. I realise I can really talk you know. Talked with Jingmei once for 2 whole hours at Kopitiam.
There was this couple who was kissing and pausing and kissing and pausing again and again. What's worse is that the guy has BUNNY TEETH and the girl doesn't mind doing it in public.
It's gross and so unromantic. Could have chosen a better place couldn't they? o.O
My homework is undone. HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED. ):
Let's hope I can get my stuff on track. Everything that used to be.