9:00 PM | Monday, July 07, 2008 | Link
Photobucket We always need amendments. Making up for our mistakes and understanding what's the problem with us. I guess I have understood a little but not all together. There's so many things I want to do, fulfill and achieve, but I'm always crumbling down before that.

Today's morning was wasted I think. Met up with Yvon online to do geog before we stoned and decided to go offline completely. There's a few more days to the deadline so I guess that's why everything's slack.
I don't see the point in understanding how solid waste is managed in Singapore although I admit we should seriously reduce the amount of waste we produce. We do not have enough land so lesser waste should go into the land refill. That's for sure.
Other homework is done(: LA and Maths. Science is abittt done.
School starts tomorrow. I wonder if I should rejoice or something. TOmorrow's PE. I hate volleyball. I don't know why. The ball comes smashing down at your face and you're suppose to be able to return the ball properly. you can't even CATCH the ball. ROAR.

My parents' moods have been up and down like a rollercoaster nowadays. It's so hard to think what's happening. SIGH, WHERE'S THE LOVE? Sometimes when we're engaged in one topic and laughing merrily, my siblings will get scolded just over a teeny weeny mistake that usually won't happen. D:
PMS don't occur that quickly and don't change THAT drastically! I guess they have problems at work or something. SIGH. I thought my problems were bigg. How minute they seem now.

This posture is so cool. :D
I wanna LEARN YOGA! Yepp, YOGA! I wonder if this is a short-term craze or something but I think Yoga's cool now. I watched a few shows and yoga seems to be really cool. I read up about Yoga and I am surprised that Yoga is an Indian spiritual path aimed at achieving the union with the Supreme Consciousness. from wikipedia. Chim isn't it?
Yoga will prevent many injuries cos your bones will turn more loose and you'll probably be more flexible. (: YAY. I gonna learn elementary yoga before I JUMP to advanced yoga. MUAHAHAHA. Then I'll probably grow FASTER AND TALLER since I gonna stretchhh. And I'll reach my target of 1.7m quickly!
I'm obssessed. with I don't-know-what.

my display pic for my iPod.
It really makes me feel moody sometimes when I see it. The background and everything, I really wonder if you can see such things in real life or if it's just photoshopped.

Life's a rollercoaster ride. You won't know when it's going to go high or low, fast or slow. What you know is, it'll come to a stop some day.