5:12 PM | Saturday, July 26, 2008 | Link
Finally back on track. Spent the entire hour filing all past worksheets and I gonna go do my stuffs next. I realised that I have not been doing anything constructive over the weekends recently. bad bad.awake
Have been going to Rae's house the past 3 days. The first day was to tutor her maths alone. then the next day was with jingmei and yesterday was with weiwen. haha(: Went to workout at her house yesterday. It was comical I tell you, cos the way we did the workouts were so unglam and horrible-looking but the instructor (i think Denise Auston or something) looked so fit and HAPPY while doing them. She was talking the whole 45 minutes and there weren't any signs of panting or fatigue although her voice was abit coarse sometimes.
I so gonna go workout. Yoga lessons shall start in about 2 or 3 weeks time. Training shall start next tuesday(: Cross country in about 2 weeks D:
The bball guys got 3rd in zonals(: Watched anglican against dunman sec on thursday and I must say that our school played much much better against anglican than dunman sec. That's why we deserve second, not third D:
But anyway, greatgreatgreat. They're in to the nationals manmanman(:
I've been thinking alot these few days and I realised that I have turned materialistic. D: The earpiece which my dad bought is spoiling soon since it's wires are coming out but it would be fine if you just push the wires back. But well, it's sort-of time consuming sometimes and annoying. And the sound quality sort-of turned lousier as the wires are looser. I went to the earpiece shop in Compass yesterday and I saw one super super nice skyblue earpiece yesterday. 30 bucks. Geez. I so wanna get it. And I'm getting it to make myself feel happier.
There's so many things that I want to buy, but none of them are needed. They are just wants. Materialistic wants. D:
Checked my yahoo mail and I read some funny jokes. Shall share it here although I think hardly anybody reads. -.-
No offence, just humour...
When Dr. Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia...
One lousy day in the middle of the economic crisis, PM Mahathir was feeling extremely frustrated and wondering how a neighbouring country can be doing better than Malysia.
One of his aides said, I heard that the leaders consult Feng Shui masters to ensure prosperity for the country. Dr Mahathir thought if that was the csse, Malaysia Bomoh also can, and went to seek the top bomoh's advice in the country.
After reviewing the case, the bomoh told Dr Mahathir that there were 2 things that he must do.
Bomoh: Step 1: You must blame the crisis on SOROS for everything.
Dr Mahathir: But why?
Bomoh: Because SOROS stands for "Speculate On Ringgit Or Stocks". You must blame him, and look at ways to control the ringgit and stock market
Step 2: You must get rid of ANWAR.
Dr Mahathir: What! Why him?
Bomoh: Because ANWAR stands for "A Nation Without Any Ringgit"
Dr Mahathir: But how? This is most difficult to do, he is popular with the people"
Bomoh: Aiyoh, you bodoh lah! Look at your name, MAHATHIR
Make Anwar Homosexual And Then Highlight It Repeatedly
Ha. Trust people to think of that -.-
Maths and history test next week. mugg.