10:21 PM | Wednesday, July 23, 2008 | Link
back on track
Just mugged with rae at her house and the high-class cafe at Bedok after the guys' match at Anglican. We did mug, mugged maths. Ohwell, abit of maths. I'm still blur at the x-intercept and constant and gradient. It's confusing and irritating. I rather go my equations(:back on track
The guys played against east view and we won. As what rachel said, it was sort-of expected I think. We were charged with charging fouls exceptionally lot today. It's the same biased referee who caused ngee ann to lose. He's sadistic, probably wanting to see winning teams to lose and cry like so gayshit, or maybe he likes having fights and vulgarities spewing all over. -.-
I've learnt one thing this year: referees can get involved in the game. they can alter the scores and make the losing team hate them, the winning team loving them.
So the guys are third(: and they can go FARRR. With coach pulling and pushing them, haha.
Training's tomorrow yay(: Time to feel tired again. Rachel and I were talking about training 3-pointers -.- It's always easier said than done, but it isn't impossible. Impossible is nothing. Nothingness~~
I'm having more quality sleep nowadays but I seem to be sleeping in class more often D: Slept for 15 mins for I.T. and about 10 mins for LA. The I.T. lessons are boring. The only interesting thing was the video, but she just had to destroy the lesson by showing us a video of a guy talking and talking endlessly in the background about some lame stuff on how you can import files differently. ._.
numbness isn't the solution