11:16 PM | Friday, July 18, 2008 | Link
tagged by syl to do this. ha. ok not tagged. blogged. whatever. I'm plain bored I think. I think my mum gonna scold me when she gets back from work. Just over something that is damn minute and mediocre, but whatever.

1. Do the following without complaint
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged. (geez. I don't like this rule. Do it if you like(: |

Favourite colour: Sky blue and purple
Used to like BLUE. All shades of blue, till I thought some shades of blue were horribly disgustingly looking. Purple's the international gay colour but ohwell, it's nice I suppose.

Favourite food: practically everything under the sun except for cauliflower and brocolli. JUst hate them. And some weird weird looking vegetable that feels like some caterpillar when I stuff it into my mouth. ew.

Favourite movie: don't know.
I seldom watch movies la!

Favourite Sport: basketball

Favourite day: no days in particular.

Favourite Season: Autumn
That's when the leaves and everything grow so nicely. Or is it spring? o.O

Favourite ice-cream: Magnem MAGNUM
Rae the pigg told me my spelling was wrong >< Can't spell properly for favourite ice-cream. what a failure

Current mood: sleepy
but i don't feel like sleeping.

Current clothes: normal.

current desktop: Normal com except that the screen is the television. So I'm in the living room yepp

Current time: 11:23pm. Oo. It was 11:22pm previously

Current surroundings: living room with clothes hanging at the window. And whole pile of newspaper beside me. It's annoying.

Current annoyances: why I can't stay awake but yet I don't want to sleep.

First best friend: Janelle.
First crush: hmm. erms I think it was some guy when I was primary one. how retarded. I thought he was damn cool since he played basketball and everything. -.-

Last drink: Water with aloe vera
Last car ride: taking Brandon's father's car with jingmei
Last crush: don't think soo.
Last phone call: singrue
Last CD played: wow. that's quite long ago

Have you ever??
Have you ever dated one of your best friend: no.
Have you ever broken the law: yah.
Have you ever been on TV: yes. I remember there was some news broadcaster who had to do a story on our school having children to recite poems and stuff. Then my face was there when they were scanning through the class. hahahah.
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: no

5 things you are good at: sleeping. stoning. slacking. eating. being a pigg in general
4 things you've done today: watched the guys' match. talked to ex-teammies. played basketball. typed
3 things you can hear right now: the keyboard clicking away. my brother and sister talking relatively loudly. the clock ticking.
Characteristics I love about myself: i don't know? being easy-going?
Characteristics I hate about myself: Being unable to let go of things I should have. thinking too much
MOst idea person I want to be: Complete
People I LOve: people that i don't love
People extremely dear to me: quite alot. you know it people!(: hugsandkisses~~