10:23 PM | Thursday, July 17, 2008 | Link
just came home like an hour ago and I'm already feeling tired although I had a bath.
Today was quite eventful. At least I did homework(: Pythagoras, Solving Equations and trigonometry. ALthough it took like 5 hours, I finally did proper homework.
Homework so far currently would probably be french, learning chengyus, maths peer-teaching, mugging science.

I HATE WAVES. Someone teachh me?
I hate science, they tear everything apart. My bro just got scolded because of science. That's when you don't study and keep playing basketball. SEE? And my dad threatened him that he'll force him out of basketball. -.-
All parents are like that, damnit. Basketball and studies have no effing relationship la. Like you won't spend the time training to sleep. Training starts early so you wake up early. If there's no training, you'll probably sleep isn't it?
Ok I should just keep quiet since it's none of my business.

Today was FUN. Balled and talked crap and crap. heheheh. (: Just have to remind myself to bring a tee shirt and not play in uniform. Oh, and thxthxthx to comint for teaching me trigonometry(: and pigg for making me feel like a teacher again.
Haven't been teaching my siblings for a long time. I remember my ambition when I was about 5 years old was to be a teacher -.- Then I changed my mind at around pri 4 when I saw how horrendous a teacher's work could be. I thought it was so cool that teachers could get two months break since the students were enjoying their holidays. Then teachers had relief teachers in case they were sick or having cramps. NAIVE THINKING MAN.

Days without trainings are weird. Although I look forward to Bdiv trainings, I so hate to run. Slow runner plus lousy stamina, gosh, it sucks. And something keeps haunting me.
Gdluck to the guys tomorrow. They can dooo it.